I mean, if north american streets could look like picture 1, that would already be a huge step.
Ok got you. So you'd rather stare at a black screen for 30 seconds every 5 minutes than switch to an alternative where you can have exactly the same service, but without advertising and where control is based on the user rather than a multi-billion dollar corporation. So you want youtube and nothing else, but you refuse to support youtube. Basically, we're back at good old advertising, were people will pick up their phone during a break and wait for the program to resume. But you don't see things you didn't ask for! One last thing, did you know that "Vinegar is perhaps the best way to clean a toilet tank, as it’s naturally acidic. It removes lime and calcium deposits, and it’s a natural antibacterial. Pour two cups of vinegar into the tank, allow to sit for an hour, scrub, and flush to rinse." You're welcome!!
Ok hear me out: an add-on that promotes "Watching less youtube!!!!". Isn't that genius? It could be 50/50. 15 seconds of blackscreen for people like you who enjoy starring at it, and 15 seconds of "less screen time" promotion. That way you are frequently reminded that you could do better things with your time. Example : "You have starred at a black screen for XX minutes today. Did you know that a basic ukulele cost around 30$ and you can learn playing by investing as low as 30 minutes per day?" On top of it, I will ad a functionality that let you customize the color of the blackscreen! What do you think, are we getting somewhere or what?
What if I offer you an add-on that would promote healthy life-habits instead of black screen? Would you be interested in that? For example, it's important to squeeze the sponge after using it, this would be super useful to remind you about it!That's just an example, there are dozens of small tips like that requires a daily reminder.
Not if it brings people to a user controlled FLOSS platform (Peertube for example ) and make them ditch Youtube. We need to move the viewers and content to FLOSS alternatives so anything that will bring new users is good. Youtube will be the biggest battle IMO. Plus it would be kind of fun to trash Youtube on their own platform. Let's settle for an optional functionality.
I've installed Linux on my dad's surface 2. He's more than happy, I bassicaly could'nt do anything with it because how slow Windows had became.