
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

MSP mandou tirar tudo, pode ir lá ver. Foi junto com a queda do backoldmonica. Uma tristeza

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

Uhh, pelo visto não existe muita coisa...


Nunca fui tão ligado nisso de scans, mas é profundamente irritante querer revisitar alguma historinha que li há anos atrás e não haver qualquer forma de acessá-la online. E, pelo fato de ser algo brasileiro, não dá pra manter aquele pensamento "ah, em algum lugar deve ter torrent, sempre tem algum gringo maluco com um drive e tempo sobrando". Não tem. Nem upload de gringo nem de BR.

E BR nenhum vai se arriscar a arrumar encrenca com a MSP. E até aqui não houve (que eu saiba) um esforço para hospedar scans de gibis BR antigos em algum servidor nas Ilhas Cook, Holanda, qualquer lugar mais complicado de apenas "mandar tirar"; nem mesmo tentou-se criar um torrent dos gibis. Encontra-se coisa picotada num grupo de telegram aqui, num blog antigo ali; mas nada sólido, nenhum acervo grande.

Havia o backoldmonica, que levou cuecão dos advogados da MSP. Vai ver se alguém salvou tudo o que tinha lá e vai se dispor a compartilhar de novo...

Sim, esse post tá uma bagunça porque é mais uma rant mesmo. Fico chateado demais que os esforços de preservação de uma das obras culturais brasileiras mais poderosas estejam tão decentralizados. Não quero ver no Brasil o tipo de canibalização capitalista que a Disney faz nos EUA com tudo o que eles adquiriram - filmes, desenhos animados, revistas, HQs, séries, tudo em gatekeeping. Não se pode acessar de graça. Não se pode acessar pagando. "É proibido acessar o passado, porque não queremos deixar e pronto".

Espero que um dia a gente possa dar a esses gibis antigos o 🏴‍☠️carinho🏴‍☠️ que se dá pra mangás e HQs voltadas pra públicos um pouco mais velhos.

Quais são as melhores fontes de preservação de scans de gibis da TdM já fora de circulação? Existem drives, acervos mais escondidos, qualquer coisa um pouquinho mais "parruda" que seja?

E existem iniciativas de scans ativas que possamos ajudar, seja fornecendo scans, doando para hospedagem, algo assim?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

ProstoPleer! Russian website with direct mp3 downloads and uploads, playlist creation and sharing, just like the old GrooveShark. I was lucky that I made a backup of all my playlists 2 months before it happened.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago

Either Soulseek (Which still manages to be my one-stop shop for this kind of thing) or forums, but you'd have to find an active forum related to that niche. For example there's Squidboard for game and anime soundtracks

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

Guess I will just use waifu2x then, thanks

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Always worked for me, high res and all... The issue is only with Shutterstock, alamy etc are still working fine


I've been trying to download some images from Shutterstock for a week now and every site on FMHY gives me an error. Is there something happening?

[–] [email protected] 9 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Telegram is the best place for it, imo. You start from the surface in public groups and channels, then search the group messages and pay attention to where the forwarded messages and links come from. Just keep digging deeper.

A lot of good groups got nuked this year, tho. It's not that common but still happens. They always return, just keep an eye for info in public channels.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Well, I know for a fact it isn't a scam because my subscription and connection are working fine and the stability is more than worthy what I've paid for, but with what you've just told me I'm gonna be 👀👀 from now on... I hope you find a provider that's worth your money and time, cheers 👍

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Yes... I don't see why they're taking so long to reply to you. It had never happened to me. How unfortunate, they might lose a potential customer

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Only one connection. In my experience, they answer faster by email, usually within 24h

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (6 children)

This is the provider I use. It has everything Sky Sports and PPV 4K even at the lowest subscription tier, and they have a WhatsApp number for quick customer service. Their standard server is located in Europe, and the premium server is in America. Extremely stable for me.


I want to build a "pirate portfolio" of all my personal fan works. There's manga, anime, documentaries, book chapters, all sorts of things I've translated myself from Russian and English. Mostly Japanese, British and modern Russian content. No USA.

What do you guys think would be the best place to host the website? Not the content itself, which I plan on uploading to mega until I can afford to build a small home server.

I live in a "pirate-friendly" country (Brazil), but it won't make any difference if the website platform itself is located in a regulated country, am I right? They can have it taken down anyway.

I'm thinking of nothing special, even a simple rentry page, minimally customized, would do.

So, what do you guys think I should do to protect my website from being randomly taken down? How to post the links? Where to host the websites? Thanks!

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