Tabazco is for kids, try this weapon grade sauce (9 millon SHU)
Tabazco is for kids, try this weapon grade sauce (9 millon SHU)
Some are even crap
Wasps in first line are predators, also needed in an healthy environmentm same as any other predator. Are only agressive when are in risk their nest or in selfdefense. It is typical in a picnic, a wasp can also appear to inspect food, but then it is also common for people to hit the wasp and it is normal that then defends and itchs. If he had left him alone, nothing had happened.
Aggressiveness is a human invention, an animal is never aggressive by default, when its nature and its territory are respected. There even existing videos abut hornets as mascot.
Better 3 ^16^/~113~
....and all in between, hormonal and/or physically. "Only two genders" is false
I put the lever in the box with the cat, smeared with tuna, which also release the poison.
Add in the future also nano bots to the micro plastic.
Trolling even before plastic
Maybe some recipes or how to make cheese.
Every chilli sauce do it, the only difference is how spicy it is and the among of sauce you add to the food. A little spicy until a circulatory collapse and halucinations depends on the taste of each.