I don’t understand. He already won. The press loves him because he’s a bad-news buffet. Harris and Biden are boring. They don’t pump up the ratings. Trump does. So the press does, and always will, suck his little mushroom dick for more sound bites.
More like sucking on his tiny mushroom cock nonstop. See, the media LOVES Trump. For most of them, it’s not because of ideology. It’s because he’s a headline buffet. There will always be more, it will always be more salacious, there is no bottom. Which is great for selling ads attached to what they write, film, and so on.
Biden? Boring. Harris? Booring. But Trump? Trump will always be a lalapalooza of insanity. And to the current celebrity media, that’s all that counts.
Sad thing is they’re gonna get us all killed with that shit.
Why ask the liar to explain what he meant? He meant what he said, just like in 2020 when he said he would only accept the results of the election if he won.
There won’t be another presidential election if he wins. Not a fair one, at least. Vance will do what Pence wouldn’t; declare all electoral votes against Trump to be fraudulent. Make sure Congress gets to decide who wins, voting by state, with one vote per state. More Republican delegations than Democratic means Trump wins. Then the stooges on the Supreme Court rubber-stamp it. Dictator for life. With scarier people waiting in the wings for after he dies (Hawley is terrifying).
Emigrate now if you can.
“Fetal personhood” was always the next shoe to drop after they overturned Roe. I was a little surprised the court didn’t go straight there in Dodd.
All that shit the court said about the states being able to decide about abortion? Lies. These right-wing nutcases are out to ban abortion everywhere. And they will, through fetal personhood. We can’t pass a law to kill a PERSON without due process, can we?
It’ll happen in the next five years unless we reform the court or impeach the six frauds. Based on our current tendency to go from bad to worse, I doubt either of those will happen.
Emigrate now if you can.
He says there’s music in season 2, but damned if I can recall any of it. I can still list the songs from season 1, they were that memorable. Hell, the only song I do remember in season 2 is “Our Love,” which is from season 1.
And the League product placement in season 2 is off the chain. Everyone has 4 weapons and 6 outfits and 3 haircuts. Ambessa’s a main character because she’s in the game now. Do you wanna play as Sheriff Cait or Commander Cait? Does she have the Noxian training buff so she can wrassle people?
Season 1 was lightening in a bottle. It’ll never happen again. Unless you really like playing League, you can skip whatever comes next.