Yes, but they were pointing out that this change doesn't affect phones, meaning the other commenter didn't read the article.
I'm not sure why one comment is enough to provoke such a reaction from you? Especially since I see these pedophiles and their apologists on other social media too.
Minor Attracted Person. Often used by people who are pedophiles or apologists for them.
That's a nice pipedream, but why would airlines move to this system? They seem perfectly happy with the current system where you have to pay to change anything.
And the game thing doesn't make sense. If the game shuts down, where are you going to use your NFT? There's a few crappy crypto games that have tried making it so items are transferable, but for larger games it sounds like a nightmare to implement.
NFTs are like crypto, a solution in search of a problem. I'll be honest, I'm anti-crypto and NFTs, but if a valid usecase presented itself I'd be happy to be wrong. I just haven't seen it yet.
Why don't you provide proof. Who the fuck are you that we're just gonna believe you when you say 'this is false' lol
I hope you are tipping your landlord 20%
Sent from my iPhone
Sue me then. I don't give a fuck.
Why are you supporting a pro-pedophile organization if you aren't one then?
This sort of thing has always happened.
I do find it particularly infuriating when it's a topic I'm knowledgeable in/involves my profession. But then I remember most people are stupid and it doesn't bother me too much.
Why would he start a trans genocide when they are already doing such a good job of doing it themselves?