It's getting harder and harder to tell without looking at the comm which stories are Onions or not.
Now this is a AI trap worth using. Don't waste your money and resources hosting something yourself, let Cloudflare do it for you if you don't want AI scraping your shit.
I’m not using it. I’m a pirate, why would I pay some corp for the privilege? That’s just stupid.
Pay even more money for the inferior product. Good advice.
I've met bigfoot, he's definitely real. I don't have any evidence, you just gotta trust me, bro. I'm a random person on the internet, I couldn't possibly be full of shit.
Is this a Fallacy fallacy? Even if it was a “both sides” fallacy, being a fallacious argument wouldn’t make it a bad argument. For example, if you say Nazis shouldn’t be trusted because they’re evil, that’s technically an ad hominem.
Are you going to argue that we should start trusting Nazis?
And my point is that you’ve totally misunderstood their viewpoint. They don’t see Trump as the government, and I would have assumed that the whole “deep state” bullshit would have clued you in to that fact. To them, Trump isn’t part of the government, he’s the one tackling the government as their hero.
Yes, when you have the majority in both houses and hold the presidency, that’s control, you absolute buffoon. Now do you want to open your mouth again, or do you figure you’ve embarrassed yourself enough for one thread? Honestly, how you even manage to tie your damn shoes is beyond me, because it’s obvious from your barely put together sentences that you have the intellectual capacity of a rather large moss-covered rock.
Yeah, my lifetime Jellyfin subscription wasn’t quite that much, thankfully. 😆
That wasn’t my argument, but nice job avoiding it.
So lemme get this straight. Your argument is that democrats get a pass on the horrible shit they do when they’re in charge, because when they aren’t republicans also do horrible shit? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard this week. Did that argument work with your mother? How intellectually bankrupt do you have to be to think that was worth typing out? Now you’ve gone and made yourself look like a dumbass, and judging from the downvotes you’ve gotten, it seems everyone else agrees.
Nice. Crypto miners disguised as anti-AI.