"eXtRaCt VaLuE!!1"
ruins everything
"wHeRe MoNeY gO@!?"
Rinse, repeat, etc.
"eXtRaCt VaLuE!!1"
ruins everything
"wHeRe MoNeY gO@!?"
Rinse, repeat, etc.
I often opt to use my regular bicycle instead, much higher quality and good exercise! I might feel differently if I had a better ebike though
Not mine lol, one day I'll get a good one though
Oh, when you said 30+ I assumed you were still using the motor. You might not need to go all out if you're riding your ebike like a bicycle, but motorcycle stores can get you kitted out if you're going to be riding fast a lot in traffic.
I don't ride that fast, but if I did, I would not be getting PPE off Amazon. Get DOT/SNELL rated full gear, full face protection, same as you would wear riding a motorcycle because those are motorcycle speeds but on a fatbike that isn't designed to stably go those speeds.
I'm using a Garmin these days. Much battery life but I miss my old Pebble.
Wow, mine died years ago.
Cool, now I just need to get into Harvard lol
Definitely carry a spare chain/belt, repair kit, and tubes for flats. I like Flatout too, works pretty well for plugging flats. You can also run tubeless or tires with liners, tube liners, etc.
I run Tannus Armour in my ebike and Flatout in my bicycle.
If you have a hub motor you can ride without a chain, but if you are getting out into the wild you should have a spare chain/belt, repair kit, tubes, etc. along with everything you need to survive if you get stranded (water filter, emergency rations, clothing to stay warm, emergency shelter, etc.).
It's also worth mentioning that you can pedal a dead e-bike all the same, it just sucks going uphill because of the extra weight. I've ridden my EP2 Pro around (albeit slowly) with no power when I was bored and wanted to ride around but didn't want to waste battery because I had to get back quickly later on.
Yeah, I'm reeeealllly hesitant to buy anything that has proprietary parts: Repairability is more important to me than saving a few ounces.