Just edited my post.
feddit.org is a nice community. Never had so much interaction on other servers. Basically I had a great first day at school.
Just edited my post.
feddit.org is a nice community. Never had so much interaction on other servers. Basically I had a great first day at school.
Ehm. I’m not. I asked where the majority lays, spoke with feddit.org admins and opened a local account just in case that I need to step up.
But thanks for the misinterpretation and spreading false infos.
Edit: shame, shame, shame.. I misunderstood @[email protected] like the monkey I am.
You can point your domain on any hoster like mailbox.org. There are a lot of benefits at not hosting your own mailserver.
Yea, buyFromEU is already getting traction. More intense on reddit and a little bit on https://feddit.org/c/buyFromEU
How else would you try to start a business 😂?
Makers went out of business.
Well, in some European countries you could load your car while at work or grocery shopping.
Depending in your commute this could just be enough.
Anyhow: the prices and (country-specific) loading network might be show stopper. Many other things are just habit and/or subjective convenience.
I would chill and not call it a scam per se. I believe the two devs tried to built a honest business and something went sideways.
It is not as if about 1500 subscriptions buy you a yacht and a sunset in a southern country.
I would not call them scammers.. heck, their whole business went down the drain.
Thunder is made with flutter. When I realized it, it went straight to the bin.
I prefer native over react native over flutter. But to be honest: they all do look alike in many cases. Not much setting them apart (design-wise) 😅.
My lemmy interaction was quite limited up until today.
Some time ago, when the first reddit migration happend, I took over a stale community. It faded and there was nothing to moderate, write or comment. Also most communities I'm subscribed to, do not produced so much relevant content. I fell back to reddit.