RIP Drizly
I think the way you applied it showed some nuance, as you talked about it in non-absolute terms. However, when applied broadly it can be harmful.
If we always assume that homophobes and transphobes are queer and trans, then we assume that queer and trans folx are the ones hurting themselves. It's a small jump from there to say that closted lgbtq people are the source of lgbtq people's trauma, which is both harmful and false.
Not sure where you think I claim to know the true path. I can assure you I don't, even just in my relationships. I was mentioning an option, if you wanted something, that seemed relevant based on your words. I'm confused how discussing folks who have a different view of consent make them cultists.
But the thing about consent being key is that you're more than welcome to reach your own conclusions. You do you.
Just want to say I'm sorry your potential partners are turned off by consent seeking. I definitely wouldn't be with my partners if they didn't find consent sexy.
I can promise you that the actual bdsm community cares a great deal about consent. Negotiating is a critical skill in that context, especially if engaging in stuff that might look nonconsensual. If you like your sex kinky and consensual you might seek out your local kink scene.
What the actual fuck.
CNC as a kink is fine, but to be done healthily requires really solid negotiation skills by all parties. Ain't no way in hell you can implicitly consent just by going to a party. Even the most edgey edge-player (someone who does risky bdsm play) I know would nope the fuck out of that.
Fucking awful.
Fascism is notoriously difficult to define. There's a huge amount of contention on it among historians, but one definition I like is Rodger Griffin's. In his definition the core ideology of fascism is
(i) the rebirth myth
(ii) populist ultra-nationalism
(iii) the myth of decadence
I think the MAGA movement pretty transparently meets all 3. The rebirth myth is literally in its name, the movement is pretty openly populist and ultra-nationalist, and decadence is how they describe their enemies (e.g. their rhetoric around trans and queer folk).
Plenty of good advice in this thread.
I'm gonna shout out the boy version of the book "what's happening to my body?"
It was super helpful to me in puberty, even with trusted male figures. It's written from a non-judgemental, information focused space. It also let's him has some way of privately seeking knowledge that isn't just whatever he finds on the internet