Can you imagine Trump “backing off?” His idea of backing off was to say that he’d be happier to work with the Liberals than the Conservatives.
Of that list, Zen is the only one really worth considering. And then you have the “but the best one that supports widevine” issue.
The only worrying experience I’ve ever had with skunks was when I was walking along a path and saw these two little faces pop out from some brush at the side of the trail— baby skunks. I backed away slowly, and took a different route. Last thing I wanted was their mother getting defensive because they were too forward with a human.
They haven’t discarded it; it started getting airtime today.
Orange. You can call it a “Trump Makeover.”
Anyone who considers themselves to be a mechanical engineer who isn’t registered… is someone I wouldn’t want doing anything related to engineering or public speaking.
Words have meaning; there’s a reason some of them have meaning that’s backed by legal status.
The only way my riding won’t go Conservative is if everyone who votes NDP votes Liberal instead, and 2% of the staunch Conservative voters vote for someone else.
So frustrating.
“The words the woman I work for said are offensive and false.”
Interesting argument.
And to then send them to a tertiary country for holding….
Trump style? So you’re going to eventually tell us everything?
There’s also the issue of whether their witness is cooperative or not. There’s always an outside chance that the arresting officer intentionally behaved in a manner that invalidates the evidence, and is willing to testify in a way to support that.
My daily driver personal use Mac is a 2008 17”MacBook Pro. It runs OS X 10.11, Brave as the main browser and ArcticFox as the secondary browser. It’s got a 256GB SSD and 4GB RAM.
It does almost everything I need a non-work Mac to do.
That said, the trackpad does drive me crazy sometimes. Scrolls too fast and the button is a bit too stiff. The keyboard is a delight.
My first Mac was a Mac Plus. My most recent is a 2024 M4 MBP.