If they aren't funding Mozilla, which is a far more significant company with a long history of browser development, the chances they're gonna fund a brand-new browser that very few people have even heard about is next to none.
That it may well be, but it definitely falls on Cloudflare that they were able to take advantage of this for so long, and that the "unlimited traffic" was displayed as one of the perks in the Business plan (although I haven't seen any evidence that that was listed). The decision to charge $10k a month would seem fairer if they weren't insanely aggressive, and claimed there were violations of ToS where there don't seem to be any.
Unfortunately for us, the sun isn't an egg timer, and it's pretty much completely impossible to determine exactly when and how strong the next solar flare is until it's hurtling through space and potentially in our direction (beyond general trends like solar cycles and such). Would be great if it worked like that though.
Why are you blamimg the developer team? It seems like management would be more to blame, given most of the time, they are the ones that overpromise on stuff like this, then work the developers to the bone until they inevitably fail to deliver on the absurd expectations set by their higher-ups. I'm not entirely familiar with the details for this case, but I know Take-Two are the exact kind of company that pulls this idiotic stunt with every dev team they have under their belt, as has been shown time and time again with so many games they publish.
Edit: Having done a bit of due dilligence, it seems that Intercept Games was created as a part of Private Division after they were bought out by Take-Two, which in my opinion just reinforces the perspective that the dev team had little to no say in how the game was marketed or released.
It's almost like other people exist, and almost like they're affected in a different way than you are by who is in charge of the government. Seriously though, I thought "it doesn't affect me, so it must not be a problem" wasn't supposed to be an actual argument.
Lula's always been pretty good with calling out other people's bullshit around Latin America, it isn't particularly surprising that he'd do that (and the same applies to Biden). Shame that he doesn't have the courage to do the same with Russia though, even if that's more because Russia has held Brazil's agricultural market by the balls for a while now.