
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago (1 children)

That's beautiful! Add federation and this could really be something I feel (and obviously there'd have to be a few good public servers because fediverse people and hikers probably don't have a huge overlap).

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 hour ago

A team with one creative and one gets things done is not too bad. I'd take the headline with a grain of salt since AI are known to not always get things done and sometimes will lead their pilots around in circles for no good reason, but still, they don't really need to be creative to beat most teams.

[–] [email protected] 72 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Doesn't sound like the purpose is to please Russia. Especially this part:

China is assessing the possibility of participating in peacekeeping forces in Ukraine, asking the EU whether its European partners support such an initiative.

Asking the EU if it would support them participating in a peacekeeping mission which Russia has been very critical of kinda seems more like they're trying to improve relations with Europe in the wake of strong anti-US sentiments.

[–] [email protected] 27 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

First alienate every potential customer of advanced military equipment, then dump insane amounts of money into development of advanced military equipment. The art of the deal.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

I think most downvotes are before my edit, so probably a good thing that it was buried. :-)

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (5 children)

~~I'm heavily pro-Ukraine, and not gonna pretend that the playing field is at all level. But to be fair Ukraine attacked gas pipelines and refineries (reportedly supporting Moscow with up to 50% of it's oil) less than a week ago, can they still complain about power infrastructure being targeted?~~

~~I mean obviously they can complain about everything Russia does, but this specific point just seems a bit odd?~~

Ah, I didn't catch that this deal to not hit energy infra was after Ukraine hit the refinery and oil pipelines.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 days ago

An emergency doesn't necessarily mean your house is on fire. Recently I read a text saying that while the situation is dire, cities on the Russo-Ukrainian frontline which are targets of bombings on a daily basis still go about their daily routines as normal. But they are in an emergency, and a pamphlet like this hidden away in a drawer somewhere could definitely be useful.

[–] [email protected] 31 points 5 days ago (8 children)

My experience with Matrix is that the federation itself is a deal breaker. I have a pretty beefy server and good connection which was getting ddosed by running Matrix and timing out on so many requests for avatars/profiles etc. Maybe I did something wrong, but the whole experience rendered me quite skeptical to the viability of it as a federated chat.

That said I've had nothing but good experiences using it with big servers set up by pros.

[–] [email protected] 112 points 5 days ago (3 children)

Hungary is not a net contributor to the EU, you ain't funding shit you're being funded.


The group that drafted a key blueprint for Donald Trump’s second term convened a meeting in Washington D.C. this week to consider proposals for bulldozing the European Union (EU).

The Polish investigative outlet VSquare revealed that the Heritage Foundation gathered hardline conservative groups on 11 March to hear how they would overhaul the current structures of the EU.

The “closed-door workshop” featured a debate on a new paper produced by the lobby groups MCC and Ordo Iuris entitled: “The Great Reset: Restoring Member State Sovereignty in the 21st Century”.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (3 children)

But there is no such implementation AFAIK? How is it making Typescript faster if it's a completely new implementation?

But certainly, in theory it could become unshackled from JavaScript. Have there been any serious attempts to do so though?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

It's not. IIRC that's the final step to obligate us to join the Euro, and the only requirement we're not fulfilling (willingly, despite majority wanting it but because we voted against it a long time ago).


I have three different calendars syncing using caldav, one on fastmail and two on icloud. When I open the calendar view it's often the case that one or more of these timeout (all of them are afflicted by this), so it seems that these calendars are not actually stored on the server but polled everytime I want to view them.

Are there any alternative integrations that will periodically sync the calendars and keep them on the server? Or can I self-host an app that does this and will never time out because it's on my local network?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Not sure if this is better fit for datahoarder or some selfhost community, but putting my money on this one.

The problem

I currently have a cute little server with two drives connected to it running a few different services (mostly media serving and torrents). The key facts here is that 1) it's cute and little, 2) it's handling pretty bulky data. Cute and little doesn't go very well with big raid setups and such, and apart from upgrading one of the drives I'm probably at my limit in terms of how much storage I can physically fit in the machine. Also if I want to reinstall it or something that's very difficult to do without downtime since I'd have to move the drive and services of to a different machine (not a huge problem since I'm the only one using it, but I don't like it).


A distributed FS would definitely solve the issue of physically fitting more drives into the chassi, since I could basically just connect drives to a raspberry pi and have this raspi join the distributed fs. Great.

I think it could also solve the issue of potential downtime if I reinstall or do maintenance, since I can have multiple services read of the same distributed FS and reroute my reverse proxy to use the new services while the old ones are taken offline. There will potentially be a disruption, but no downtime.


I know there are many different solutions for distributed filesystems, such as ceph, moosefs, glusterfs and miniio. I'm kinda leaning towards ceph because of it's integration in proxmox, but it also seems like the most complicated solution in the bunch. Is it worth it? What are your experiences with these, and given the above description of my use-case which do you think would be the best fit?

Since I already have a lot of data it's a bonus if it's easy to migrate from my current filesystem somehow.

My current setup uses a lot of hard links as well, so it's a big bonus if the solution has something similar (i.e. some easy way of storing the same data in multiple places without duplicating it)

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