
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

I'm from Arkansas, US. I identify more with my small town than with my state or nation. I also identify as a southerner, but somewhat reluctantly.

In times like these, I repeat the mantra: "At least you're not in Mississippi."


I've got a few DS styluses that I'm going to sell for cheap on eBay. I know some are for the DS Lite (I think the purple one is). Which DS variant is the Blue one for?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

Podcasts! They're not all boring

[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago

Impressive. Very nice. Let's see the Duke of Savoy's lover.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago

Hiroshima by Ben Folds

[–] [email protected] 4 points 11 months ago

Redhat package manager, used on distros like fedora, suse, rhel

[–] [email protected] 38 points 11 months ago (2 children)

This is rpm erasure

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Elementary OS Freya. I love a good GUI


Genre: pretentious millennial indie rock :/

[–] [email protected] 20 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Upon further analysis:

Command: [Pity SUV drivers], who are quickly being priced out of their [badges of [contempt for the planet]]

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I keep trying to understand that headline but I just can't parse it

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Punch Brothers - The Phosphorescent Blues


Criticism is welcome!

Symbolism breakdown:

  • The gold semicircle represents the rising or setting sun, a symbol of change. Morrilton is currently growing after a period of decline, so this sun represents the glories of the past and of the future.
  • The white field represents a blank slate, the city's enormous potential to grow. It also represents the sense of morality and community that binds its people together.
  • The green band represents Petit Jean mountain just outside the city, and the semicircular cutout represents the Arkansas River Valley which encompasses Morrilton and many of its neighbors.
  • The ruddy semicircle with white border represents a wine glass; Morrilton is the seat of Conway county, where the sale of alcohol is allowed, surrounded by dry counties to the east, north, and west. The color also represents Morrilton's 3 major educational institutions (UACCM, SCCSD, and Sacred Heart) all of whose primary school colors are a shade of red.
  • The blue band represents the Arkansas River, on whose shores the original settlement was built. This further represents the rich history of the city, as well as the past and present flow of trade along the river, railroads, and I-40.

I feel somewhat confident in the geometry of this design, but I don't know anything about color theory so I'm open to suggestions on that. The present colors were picked with the help of an AI, followed by some mathematical derivation using software and hand tweaking.


I'll be in DFW for a concert in May. Do any locals have recommendations for retrocomputing locales in the area? I.e. used electronics stores, recycling centers that let you take things, et cetera. I know Computer Reset is pretty much done at this point, but I'm from rural Arkansas so I imagine there's still a few good spots much better than what I have at home.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Firbolg fighter

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Nah I mean the text is about Grice's maxims. The video is just a quick explanation of what those are


I love the graphic design on these old removable media.


Image description: retweet chain

@amminadabz : ANimal CRACKerss in my SOOP

@CBC_DankyDont : monkeys and rabbits loop the loop

@amminadabz : People say that white people have no culture

End image description.


cross-posted from:

What are some poems or other texts that you think should be put to music? I might use one or two of your answers :)


I have been a bad plant parent and left my poor ficus in a hot sunny car for a few hours during a move. I've now gotten it to a place where it gets the right amount of sun (I think) and watered it, but it still isn't doing well. First one, now two leaves are drooping, and the top of the stem is shriveled. What can I do to help it?


Before I buy another Roku, are there any options for a streaming box/stick that run FOSS? A foss derivitive of android TV would be nice if that exists, ideally preloaded on an inexpensive and compact piece of hardware.


Love the look of my white Primus Asana, but i cant walk 10 feet without the left insole somehow working its way back in the shoe and up my heel. Anyone else have this problem? Any suggestions for a fix?

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