
joined 6 months ago
[–] 16 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (7 children)

It's very weird having scrolled in my feed toward the world stuff. It almost seems artificial, like the redditors all collected here with all the hivemind weirdness and astroturfing.

and yeah, Democrats would rather send their dark-money and 'venture-capitalist'-funded PAC lawyers to purge 3rd parties from ballots (really democratic, Democrat party; I'm writing in PSL regardless if they can't get back on and telling everyone I know to) than make themselves appealing at all to the people abandoning their moribund and redundant party 'like rats from a sinking ship'.

They would rather fight with the Republicans over the (shrinking) voter base of rich and upper 'middle class' petty bourgeois rightwingers, and alienate all of their leftwing base, and continue abandoning the 35-50% that straight up don't vote for either of these duopoly-of-exploiters in this fascist-and-vampire show, than reorient toward positions of "not genocide" or "not nuclear-brinksmanship forever-war proxy-wars" or "not-constantly bipartisanly increasing and expanding the US military and neo-colonial racketeer system which is incidentally one of the leading contributors to climate change."

or "not continuing filling the world with CIA torture camps" or "not being just as or in some ways more right wing than trump on immigration somehow

It's telling that they refuse to do any of these things a large portion of the population wants; to the point where Muslim groups are advocating voting for 3rd parties who aren't for drinking the blood of Palestinians (apparently a tall order for US politicians), and instead would rather put so much effort into demonizing and crushing 3rd parties who do advocate against these things.

I don't even know if they're capable of not flying to the right and pandering to right wingers more and more due to their donor base. Their structure is inherently based on funding and campaigning and working for the worst billionaire imperialists and arms-dealer death-merchants in the world and AIPAC and tech monopolies etc. If we all pushed up the PSL to hold their working class margins hostage that they (unlike republicans) actually rely on and take for granted, they might break in half trying to reorient. Maybe they'd float a reformist party to prevent everyone going socialist against the open-fanged republicans who nobody ever had any illusions about and half the dems who are basically republicans will join them, and the other half will flee to the new reformist party (probably alienating their "left wing" into more radical politics because that party would become democrat-ified)

People just want to be lied to about the Democrats that they're different and 'acting resistance' at all to the republicans, when they're really not that different

and where they (barely) are different, they just capitulate and help the Republicans do whatever they were going to do, in the name of "bipartisanship" and "reaching across the aisle". Like when Obama had both houses of congress and refused to enshrine women's bodily autonomy and LGBTQ civil rights into law. And then gave away a free Supreme Court seat in capitulation. Then Biden denounces the idea of pushing to expand and pack the court because it'll "politicize the court" as if that ship isn't gone past the horizon forever, while doing nothing as women's and LGBTQ rights are torn down throughout the country, even with a Democrat president. It's almost like they don't actually care, or even like when women's rights and LGBTQ rights are under attack because they can drum up fear about the republicans and look 'better' by comparison after creating the problem in the first place, and keep the vampire-and-fascist (dog-and-pony) show going, and get all the gullible liberal votes that "they'll vote for us anyway

we're not the republicans" Which circles back to why they're so scared of and pushing demonization and repression of 3rd parties I guess. That's a pretty sweet cruise-control-deal they have hoodwinking the populace in a sort of face/heel drama for their 'audience'

[–] 2 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

As in from Republican voters? Who cares? If from politicians, then there might be some weird political games with that candidate.

But besides, that's really your concern? Democrats get funding from billionaire imperialists and arms-dealing weapons-manufacturer death-mechants. Which have successfully lobbied for the expansion of militarism for decades which has proven incredibly profitable and is also destroying the planet faster than almost anything

Both duopoly parties get funding from the worst racketeers, liars, and murderers of the world; the richest most monstrous exploiters that exist. I'm not voting Green, I'm voting for Claudia De La Cruz for PSL

but taking swings against the greens who are one of the few taking anti-war stances vs these duopoly-of-imperialists who are unified in genocide and always have been unified in genocide, and are continuing to be unified in all of the worst policies including now Biden doing Trump's border shutdown after deregulating and privatizing some of the concentration camps (a very Republican thing to do), just makes no sense.

The people who need this consent-manufacturing level of criticism of OP and a lot of comments are not the Greens or other 3rd parties; the people who are ruining the world and the country are not the Greens and other 3rd parties. Muslims have been coming out in support of the 3rd parties because the Greens and PSL and West's party are the only ones not being actively evil. Democrats have no reason to not be actively evil and keep flying to the right if everyone's going to vote for them no matter what because they're "((barely) not the republicans).