
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 hours ago

Absolutely agree

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Find the last winning lottery numbers that somebody did not pick, very large lottery like billion dollar in size. Go back in time go tothe appropriate states so I don’t have to reveal my identity and win.

I won’t tell anybody that I want. I just tell my friends and family. Hey, I made money on the stock market here some extra cash for you.

Then I jump into the future and find the cures for Alzheimer’s dementia, congestive heart failure, kidney failure, liver failure, how to give a person 20/20 vision with just a pill or something, same way to fix hearing. Jump a couple hundred years beyond that to make sure there wasn’t some sort of long-term effect.

Then I bring those cures back here along with exactly how to make them. I patent them and license them. The charge I would license the cure is out to other companies so they can make them. The cost for them to make the cure what I would charge them. Would be basically my cost. I would just charge my attorney fees and any other taxes I might get charged. And then I would charge five dollars a year. I don’t mean five dollars a year per vile, I mean five dollars a year. Just let the companies make it and distribute it. If some company got greedy and decided to charge a super high amount, I’d build my own company to distribute it.

Maybe go far enough to find a solution for the micro plastics that we created. And bring that back and fix the environment.

After I did all that, now it’s time to have some fun.

Getting enough money so I could buy the entire Stargate franchise from Amazon. Hire on the original co-creators and the original writers and make a of new episodes. And tell them 25 episodes per season five seasons guaranteed. If no broadcaster wants to broadcast if no streaming service wants to pick it up, I’ll just go straight to DVD/Blu-ray/4K. Yeah, I know there’s a bunch of people that don’t want that many episodes per season, I don’t care I’d make that many episodes per .😁

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 day ago

Shocked I tell ya shocked!

Doge doing something stupid again

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago

1.8 miles.

I drive it.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

The next president can remove the benefits of ANY constitutional amendment. If the Supreme Court says no. The answer is “there’s precedent”, then just go out and do it anyway.

So yeah we are screwed .

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago

I agree with all of what you said. Just to add. I’d block any music like that on my streaming app.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Can’t argue with that.

I run a business. Can running a business without a smart phone be done? Yes. Is it a pain in the ass in today’s world? Hell yes.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

Basically yes. As long as you are willing to watch your stocks it can work

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

Oh I would agree. I doubt we’ll see that kind of climb. I think those days are behind us for Tesla stock. But if they get rid of Elon I think we could see a solid slow steady climb.

Hopefully the new leader of that company focuses a little (read that as a LOT) more on quality control.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago (5 children)

While that company has dropped a lot in value, let’s look at the deals that the US government is giving it for infrastructure. Let’s look at the factthat more and more people are buying electronic vehicles or I should say electric vehicles. Let’s look at where the Highpoint was for that stock and let’s look at where it is now. I don’t think the companies at a buy point yet. I do think it might be getting close to a buy a point. If they got rid of Elon Musk, people might be interested in buying those cars again. I could see that stock suddenly taking a jump in .

There is another item look at each individual day of that stock going back even over two months. Don’t look from one day into the next look at an individual day any day in the last two months. That stock will take a dip and then it will rise. So if you’re willing to sit in front of your computer, wait for the dip buy then sell it as soon as rises you should be able to make a bit of money. Now I’m I’m about ready to go into work so I can’t do the math to see what sort of percentage gain you would be looking at. On a day-to-day basis I mean. But just looking at a couple of days, you could be looking at one or 2% gain each time. And you don’t need to hit the absolute bottom and you don’t have to the absolute top , you’ll never do that. Just catch it at what you believe to be a low point set the sell point like 1.5 1.6% above that. It looks like that makes that change fairly quick from low to high. So you really wouldn’t have to be there that long.

Am I saying you should do that right now today not really. But for some easy gains it might be something you wanna look at. For long-term investing, I would say hold off until they get rid of musk.. I would not hold that stock from one day into the next you’ll never see your money. But hey one or 2% a day is not bad returns.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 days ago (3 children)

got an iphone 15 last year. will be quite a few years before i buy another phone. I keep it until they no longer support it. (so far haven't had one die before that point)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

As bad as they make websites doing it online is going to be basically impossible for most people anyway.

Same for the mail in forms.

I swear the people who design these things personally keep the cartels in business by the amount of Crack they do.


I finally got the bottom bar to be the color that I want instead of stupid gray. But whenever I’m moused over something in the system, it’s impossible to see what I’m really actually moused over. Is there a way to change that highlight color?

In the photo I’ve attached. It’s somewhat easy to see it, but in real life unless you’re sitting way off the side of the computer screen, you literally can’t see what is highlighted. It’s basically gray on gray. On a side note, I wanna meet the people who actually designed this interface give them a piece of my mind. But big question how do I change the highlight color of what I’m moused over.?


How many episodes will be on The Voice for the United States for the current season? I believe it is season 27.?

I know only like one episode of air so far, but I’m curious how many will be aired for this season? And how many live shows will there be?


OK, the title is poorly worded. Sorry. What I mean is I’m watching a movie right now. When they’re speaking, I have to turn the volume up,but as soon as there’s any sort of special effect sound I pretty much go deaf because it is so loud. For the record the movie I’m watching is beauty and the beast put out in 2017 with Emma Watson. Speaking I have to set the volume to approximately 45 out of 100 on my home theater. As soon as they start singing, it is so damn loud it’s insane. Why would they do this and how do I fix the problem?

I’m using a Roku for Disney plus and a Denon receiver AVR-E400. I’ve tried going into the settings for Audyssey and strong dynamic volume to medium but that only helps a little bit. Maximum is a possibility, but then the audio doesn’t even sound correct it’s like I don’t know how to explain it, but it sounds strange at that point.

Any ideas on how to fix this problem because the dynamic range that I’m having is insane. I’m glad I live in my own house an apartment otherwise the neighbors would be pissed off at me.

Edit: I have a 5.1 system


I’m sure it’s a simple setting that I am missing, but I would really appreciate if somebody could help me out and walk me through thesteps. If this is not the correct community, please don’t just delete this post. Please let me know where to post it at and I will Make the change. I should ask is it even possible using Excel 2019 to have it use what I think is the newest version of outlook as the default email program on Windows 10?


I tried to go to the Phillips website then I went into the eye comfort section and clicked on shop all eye, comfort bulbs, and it saysI’m sorry there’s nothing available which I know is BS. The website is broken.

And I don’t even care if it’s Phillips or a different brand I need something that runs in the 3000 K range. I’d love 3500 but I don’t think I can get that. With flicker free ( and I have just spent the last 4 1/2 hours looking Online and I can’t come up with anything so does anybody have any ideas of what I can buy and please offer a link to a product.

I am now currently using the last of my incandescent bulbs. If one of them burns out I am out of luck my room will be dark.

Normal lightbulb. A19 type

Or am I just searching for something that literally doesn’t exist?


It shows fever is a symptom. Even if I ask the question of what is the most common symptoms it still shows fever. Did Covid mutate again and now fever is one of the most common symptoms?

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