There's only a JD Vance there.
Dark mode is supposed to be released this weekend! 50 weekends ago.
I stopped keeping up with him to save my sanity and excitement for when I can actually see for myself what has changed with an update.
Corpo marketing to obfuscate the idea of installing software and nurture dependency to pre-installed proprietary repositories for an entire crowd of dependent non-tech savvy users that doesn't know what an apk is probably.
I avoid using the term unless I'm being cheeky about "sideloading" from Google Play.
Hydrofluoric acid
I disagree, Proton is a privacy company with more followers on Mastodon than on Threads and TikTok. Should they also drop what Linux support they have to focus only on Windows because it has a large base? This feels alienating to their privacy conscious users if anything.
McDonald's wants your IQ too. Seriously, it's in their privacy policy.
I combined French and Spanish in my first comment by accident. I did it intentionally in my response to the correction. The first part is French and says "yeah sorry, you're right, but..." and the second part is how I've seen "why not both" used in Spanish. 2x the revolution, you know?
I'll show myself out.
Oui désolée vous avez raison, mais... por qué no los dos? lol
Viva la révolution? 🔪
It was never off the menu, just rebranded a little bit.