was walking a client's dog and was attacked by an off-leash dog yesterday. fuckin' sucked. everybody is ok (i think? i didn't stick around), but the other owner was very entitled and seemed to think their dog didn't need to be on a leash??? even after it attacked us??? the client's dog (a very large german shepherd) reacted appropriately to defend himself (and probably me) from any damage. he disengaged as soon as the owner finally pulled her (collarless!!!???) dog away. i called animal control after because this is an affluent neighborhood, the owner was white, and i wanted it on record.
still struggling to cope with the election results.
got rid of a bunch of stuff via free stuff markets over the weekend. echo also came out to the second one to get pets from all the strangers, which she loves.
echo has her second rally video session tonight; fingers crossed for a good take so we can submit it for our second score. she got 97/100 on her first one, which is great! the three points off were all handler error.
the restaurant across the street had its last day yesterday after ~six months of being open. it wasn't that great. the place before—which was there for ~two years—was amazing. curious to see who will move in next. it's one of the few neighborhood locations for retail/restaurant, so it being vacant is disappointing.
hanging in there.
got to start my 2025 planner (wonderland222) this week since it starts in december 2024 and sunday is december 1st. 😊
headed to my partner's parents' new house for the holiday. just two nights, and then we'll come back and do a friend hang with some folks in town.
the instructor for my rally obedience class said i could bring loki (oldest, aussie) to class next week so i could video his final rally novice submission he needs for his title. it will also be echo's third (and final) rally novice course! she was the only dog in class last night, so we got to do more off leash work and play between running the course, which she seemed to very much enjoy. i need to read up on the rules for AKC's fetch titles, because i'm pretty sure she could get 'em with a bit more practice.