And say "I didn't see it I was blinded by the sun"
Then it is a monopoly building if you take the limited slots before others companies 😁
I was wondering because starlink's terminals are around $500 while eutelsat's are 10k. It seems it can be only possible if you accept massive losses on first years, with help of to investors to keep the company running, to take down competitors. Like uber and many others did, which had years of losses before having income.
The rich didnt lost any money, their stock is just lower than in january, but still higher than last year. And it can still get up.
The poor have to cope with higher prices of basic goods, which never comes down.
Only poors are screwed until they eat the leech
Is starlink business model like uber/airbnb? Killing the market with low prices by circumventing regulations to establish their monopoly?
Trump obtained last thursday (feb 27th) the extradition of 29 drug cartel's barons from Mexicans prisons to US, so, he quite have the choice
This is mandatory for shops here to have a bulk aisle since 2020, great news! Downside is you sometimes have weevils or moth infestation, and stuff are often more expensive than packaged ones, I guess bescause it needs more manpower and is easier stolen
What more can we expect from a repeat offender, than mobster behavior : "pay us or we will not offer our protection, it's a nice country you have there, it will be a shame an accidental invasion happened"
Nope, here thanks to socialists half of bus pass is covered by employers (mandatory), some people have a car benefit fully paid even gas (but they pay contributions on that benefit), and companies can give tax free money for bikers and carpoolers, thanks to environmentalists.
But you are right, most of people does not have these benefits as it is not mandatory (except for bus pass)
It began years ago, haven't you heard of the migrants caravans from south/middle americas?
The aim is to raise money to fund public transport, so it will become better and cheaper than cars
Check about retrofit kits, if you have 20k to put in your car
Nah, nothing beasts fresh bread and pastries