i think its Self-explanatory .
this is never ending on a federated site and will only create a smaller network the whole point is connecting to other instances. just use the options you have to choose for yourself what to block and not to block never choose for other people what they can and cant see.
Im confident that plasma Wayland worked before but for a couple weeks now plasma itself is black after i updated. but other programs do start up and can be seen but because plasma is black its unusable. im just looking for when it works again.
i think that this has something to do with couldflare. because recently they seem to be using different DDoS mitigation .
this would only work if torrents get uploaded to more then one site if torrents have torrentgalaxy as there only source this will not do much unless they start uploading to other sites.
the bad part is that torrent galaxy is a source of torrents for other torrent sites.if it goes down other torrent sites have less torrents but sometimes the same torrents have other sources.
nice edit dude