How are thr jxl pictures?
This sounds more like a coordinated attack on matrix to ruin the system/ reputation/ joy
Carrot and stick - no loss.
Stop watching this crap
Ripping childrens audiobooks from youtube with ylt-dlp is my least favorite because uploaders upload trash a lot, i.e. they let it repeat two times or even more often within one video.
I prefer subscribing to podcasts and downloading audiobooks via the usual means. There's also good stuff on deezer which is very convenient.
Nextcloud notes?
So, I should not look into enabling hardware acceleration?
Thx, i'll have another look into it! I just couldn't make it work
That's more work at the first glance since it's not just a couple of videos
Thxn i'll have another look into it!
I guess newer hardware is cheaper than drives
You can save up to 77% if you buy now.
you can never save by buying something. I save if I don't buy.