Might have been a screenshot from those old Sex Kitten flash games on Newgrounds
I'm finding that all the individual celebrity communities are getting a bit more annoying to sort through and block one by one especially when one is first made and someone uploads a handful of starter posts and they form poat clusters no matter what filter setting I'm using.
I wouldn't say disallow celebrity posting but I also don't think we need an individual community for every good looking celebrity either. Maybe consolidate it all into a few broader celebrity based communities with a more general themeing.
A looot of Pokemon characters, especially the main player characters would probably be a good start for compiling a list together.
NSFW is an acronym that has been around for multiple decades and pretty clearly communicates the kind of content you're going to see/hear. It's a solid baseline that most people are going to have a rough approximation of what they're going to see.
Every company has a handbooks and guidelines for what is appropriate in an office setting and for the most part are pretty consistent in what is and isn't appropriate across the vast majority people's work experiences (ignoring that management probably doesn't want people wasting time on social media anyway). If you wouldn't keep it on your desk at work, or say it to another employee without getting sent to HR.
Don't forget a lot of online terminology originated because computers used to be pretty much exclusively the domain of corporations, government orgs, and colleges like 30-40 years ago.
In theory/research papers, it's not a terrible idea, a few years ago, 3blue1brown on YouTube did a video about how blockchains and cryptocurrencies work at their core, setting the controversy aside. It is a currency that is actually tied to something of immutable valuable, time and logarithmic growth, and would require much more computational power than any singular entity could control over 50% of. Those goals are good goals.
The the irl problems come in on multiple aspects however, there are only so many graphics cards made every year, so people purchasing for mining impacted the entire market of graphics cards spiking prices higher and higher, they run on electricity which is still generated with a lot of fossils fuels, and cards that break because they're running all the time and are staying hot end often up in landfills, where lots of useful metals are just sitting and rusting away.
That's what happens once you shoot your goo. That's not Erectile Dysfunction, that's just the finished state. ED is difficulty getting and maintaining an erection, if you're going for hours before you orgasm, you don't have ED, you might actually be desensitized. If you want a lot, you'll probably want to cut back significantly on that, especially in the leadup time to having sex, and loosen your grip when wanking.
It sounds like you have might have a bit of warped perception based on pornstars seemingly going for extended periods of time and having orgasms without losing hardness, just remember, that porn was mostly likely multiple hours or even days of filming and is edited down into a single video.