What a sideways dunk, lol.
I agree with this. It’s ruining football. Want a first down? Simply put your WRs on go routes and toss the ball at them. If a defender touches them, boom, first down and probably a huge yardage gain.
That’s cooooold bloooooooded!
I don’t give a fuck how it is done, I WILL be getting my FULL social security benefit upon retirement.
This was never a problem until Ronald Reagan dipped into the social security fund.
It belongs in a museum.
Suppression of discussion through mega/weekly/monthly threads.
Post requirements that result in posting anything nearly impossible.
Fucking stupid rules for mods to abuse with their dork ass internet powarz.
Clear corporate astroturfing.
Well…turns out, no one wants to join the Steelers. LOL.
Comment not voted high enough.
How does goose egg taste? Also, do you have to fight geese to get one?
My Self Reliance - Guy builds stuff in the Canadian wilderness silently with his dog
Rick Beato - The Hans Zimmer interview is out now
I did not buy a Tesla today and am thus in violation of the law.
The Giants front office seems like it’s run by the same types that could bankrupt a casino.