
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 22 points 1 year ago

Nobody wants a burger that’s one 1/8th pound patty and 3 inches worth of solid lettuce.

Had regulars when I worked fast food that would order the kid size burger with a fuckton of lettuce and tomato. Just way too much.

[–] [email protected] 21 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Supposedly, a meltdown at sea is pretty low risk because you have the perfect heatsink literally everywhere around you, and its a molten salt design, which I think(?) (source: my ass) means that the fuel would at worst leak into the sea and immediately solidify back into some inert state.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I don't plan on staying here if you defederate with Threads, but I respect your right to do it. The move seems unnecessarily reactionary and premature. I think the open web has more to gain from encouraging companies to invest in ActivityPub than it does siloing itself off from anyone who represents real growth in the space.

If you want the community to remain small, fair enough. I believe in a world in which every social media service is using ActivityPub; I don't care what or who they are. I don't even really understand what the anti-EEE crowd is afraid of? The protocol is run by a neutral party (W3C), I can't imagine any features that would compel major change, nobody that's already on the Fediverse is going to leave, you can always decide later to defederate... The system already seems pretty well protected against hostile action.

[–] [email protected] 29 points 1 year ago

Doesn't really seem spoilery to me at all. Alan Wake - and Remedy in general - is very into surreal weirdness and world fuckery. He's mostly talking about audiences being receptive to pushing creative boundaries.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I don't know if there's a service that provides both functions. I'm sure there's a way to do it - Lemmy posts are already accessible through Mastodon. Currently, I assume you would need the instance itself to offer both services under one account.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 1 year ago (7 children)

I would just write the world in a way that is interesting to you, and add to it as players show interest. "Hey, I want to play a Tabaxi" -> "oh okay, let me think about what that means and I'll get back to you." This also gives you more latitude for using their ideas to inform the world. "I want to play a Tabaxi Wizard" -> "oh interesting, maybe there's a clan of them that..."

You'll be able to focus on what you care about, which will make the world more interesting, and allow players to incorporate things they care about if they wish, which will make it more fun for them too. Framing it in terms of "up for deletion" implies you need to answer everything about the world from the start, which is not only inefficient but an impossible standard. Just because you haven't considered something doesn't mean it can't exist.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I added that to sort of admit my own hypocrisy; I tried to exaggerate my opinion a bit for the sake of spurring discussion. I mostly believe what I said, but my real thoughts are much messier and less well thought out.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Many Marvel films, for example, are actually competently written plot wise. I also believe lots of them have basically no value.

[–] [email protected] 27 points 1 year ago (10 children)

Gonna try to phrase this an inflammatory way:

People who like bad movies have been conditioned by consumerism to not appreciate art. They believe spectacle, humour, and a tight plot are 'good enough', and they don't value thoughtfulness, novelty, beauty, or abrasiveness nearly enough. Film is more than a way to fill time and have fun. Film is more than an explosion, a laugh, and a happy ending.

On an unrelated note: Mad Max: Fury Road is one of my favourite movies.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago (1 children)

"Instances" at the bottom of the page will take you to a list of, I believe, federated instances, and at the very bottom, blocked instances.


I sympathize with the modern games critic. There are many of them out there doing great, thoughtful work. They've got things to say. And the broad response from gamers, at best, is "we don't care." Or at worst, "shut the fuck up." Of course there are people who like their work, but my feeling is that is a tiny niche.

Games can be thematically meaningless, politically abhorrent, fundamentally not cohere as a story, and yet fans who have conflated their own sense of self-worth with the product they like will break their own spine to defend it.

Anyway, my question is, are they at fault? Not with the things they say, but their tack. Their approach to talking about games as a whole.

I view games largely as a functional art. I recognize I may be on an extreme end of this spectrum, but for me, the systems are the juice, the aesthetics are the rind. My assumption is that the same is true for developers. The conversations they are having with each other are not ones of theme, but of genre. Not of political systems, but mechanical ones.

Of course, there is value in pointing out developers' deficiencies in this regard. They make all kinds of assumptions about life and politics as they fill their world with bad guys and goals. Why does Mario collect the coins? But the answer to most of these observations, for the game, is "it doesn't matter".

But of course, it matters to the critic! But therein lies the dilemma: the game is a jumping off point for conversation, rather than the target. Because gamers don't care, and developers don't care. If the themes and politics of games are reflections of the culture they're created in, then the ultimate target of "thoughtful critique" is at culture itself. Which is why it doesn't land with the target audience. They are enthusiasts; they don't want to read about why they shouldn't enjoy something, gamers just want to have fun.

What do you think? Do you think there are flaws in the approaches of some games critics? Do you think the conversations we have about games are flawed? Do you approach the narrative of games with a critical eye? Do you think you should? I could keep asking more questions, but I think you get it. This isn't super well thought out, so I welcome "you're wrong, dummy!"

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