Great until there is something sticking out in front of him.
I want to know more.
Removing things that the populace can unify behind. Putins orders.
People were talking about chinese wet markets before. Under trump, they will talk of deadly pandemics on an industrial scale. The trump plague will be more lethal and biglier.
Ooh, that is cool! I like gnome.
What happens before an agreement is not relevant. What happens after is.
Musk is a little childish. Probably some developmental deficiencies going on there.
Probably not without angering the current administration and getting thrown in jail. Also they would argue it is illegal. I'm just an internet bozo, though.
I question if this fulfills security requirements.
As I understand it, the establishing of the connection is reliant on a relay server. So this would not work on a local network without a relay server and would, by default, try to reach a server on the internet to make connections.
So hot!