Good! They could have cornered the market during Covid, but fumbled the ball.
Which file server appliance is that?
russia can accept deez nuts
I had the i5 prior to getting a NAS, and use it for Frigate. The i3 is just what came with the NAS box.
...really? I run most of my services in an LXC, and have for a while without issue.
Thanks for the advice! I have local backups, but in looking to use more self-hosted services, I want an offsite backup in case, say, my house burns down. That way I don't lose all my photos, etc.
I've decided to forego a mail server– you're not the first to tell me it's very difficult to maintain and setup properly, ha!
Thanks so much for the response! Server 1 has been running strong for quite a while with six cameras on Frigate and very little CPU usage. I do have a ZFS pool on Server 1– this is the first I'm hearing that it requires more resource overhead... Could you elaborate a bit?
6TB is just to start, and I fully intend to upgrade both RAM and storage as I need it.
another mlem user!
No, your question was flawed. Ask better questions.
I'm not talking about history, though. I'm talking about now. These atrocities are happening now.
The fact that you tacitly admit this, but dismiss it with "well, everyone has some skeletons in their closet" is disturbing. You should rethink your priorities.
I use Home assistant with the Preview box for local control, so I can spy on myself.