
joined 2 years ago

Miramichi-Grand Lake Conservative MP Jake Stewart will not be a candidate in the federal election expected to be called soon, Stewart announced in a social media post Thursday.


Blaine Higgs began his term as New Brunswick premier promising not to run his government from the top down like he accused his predecessor, Brian Gallant, of doing.

"Today there is too much power in the premier's office," he wrote in a personal letter to voters during the 2018 election campaign.

"The Premier's office ends up making all the decisions. The voices of citizens and elected officials are not allowed to be as strong as they could and should be. I want to be the Premier who says 'No we don't do it that way anymore.'"

Five years later, with his government roiled by a series of cabinet resignations and firings and mounting accusations of his own tendency toward centralized rule, Higgs still maintains he is a leader who values different points of view and is open to learning from those who do not agree with him.