Seems like the new norm on Lemmy is to post nothing and have your feed flooded by ContentBot.
Plenty of comments here but 80% of other posts mirrored from Reddit are a graveyard.
Seems like the new norm on Lemmy is to post nothing and have your feed flooded by ContentBot.
Plenty of comments here but 80% of other posts mirrored from Reddit are a graveyard.
J'adore ce festival et j'utilise aussi le REV.
Le gros problème c'est que le seul axe protégé Nord Sud est bloqué en pleine haute saison pour ces trajets. Et non seulement lors des journées du festival mais la semaine précédente lors du montage.
Si il y avait un détour bien indiqué et protégé de la circulation automobile, ça ne serait pas un problème. Cependant le détour qui est proposé est vraiment mal indiqué et force les cyclistes à partager la rue avec des conducteurs impatients sur une rue étroite.
C'est vraiment décevant quand on cherche à se déplacer en sécurité sur le REV de se trouver soudainement dans cette situation où on doit faire attention en avant et en arrière pour les automobilistes, sur les côtés pour ne pas se faire enportièrer et en plus faire attention aux intersections qui n'ont pas d'arrêts.
Ce que j'aimerais voir c'est un détour bien indiqué différent de celui pour traffic à moteur avec des arrêts temporaires aux intersections. Parce qu'on dirait que chaque fois qu'il n'y a quoi que ce soit ce réseau nous tout dans les traffic avec peu d'indications pour cyclistes et motoristes.
If you look at the author's bio, it seems like they're more of a hardware peripherals tester than a perf tester.
You have a lot of experience with victims of sexual assault?
We can already see the opposition's false equivalence rhetoric take hold. Here's the difference:
Say you had 1M$ a couple years ago to invest (lucky you, was it a gift from your parents?). Say you didn't do much research and invested in a stock that was pretty low at the time and you sell after the new tax at which point you see a return of an extra 25% (you were pretty lucky to beat the market with little effort). This means you get back 1.25M$ before taxes. The extra amount of money you have to pay with this new tax is exactly 0$ more than before! This is because your gains are 250k$ and you still haven't reached the new limit.
If on the other hand you were even luckier and somehow managed to get 30% extra (!!!). You're only going to pay the increased rate on 50k$ that's above the 250k$ you made.
Now if you're starting out with 10M$ and get the same kind of return that new tax is going to bite.
Ask yourself though, who is playing with that kind of money. It's not the vast majority of "people who invest". It's going to be the extra rich.
Isn't RTTI for polymorphic classes and stored in (or around) vtables?
Can you expand on this? I'd love to read more on the subject.
So rust finally gets reflection? In stable no less!
Funny how on these threads where someone lost their life always someone rushing to don their cape to defend the poor driver who killed someone.
Such a bad take. Even if he was riding recklessly (no indication in the article that he was), would he deserve to die if he was riding along the road on winter? How would that work exactly? Are you imagining him charging at 2 ton truck with a meter high hood?
J'attendais cette vidéo avec impatience. C'est triste de voir sa réaction défaitiste. Je me demande ce qui serait possible à faire pour améliorer ces îlots d'urbanisation.
I don't get why the report score them an F... Every beef burger can be subbed for beyond.