
joined 1 month ago
[–] 2 points 19 hours ago

What are you even responding to? You don't seem too keen on learning anything honestly. Can we at least agree that saying "panpsychism is woo/mysticism" is a form of ignorance, willful, stubborn ignorance in your case? It's fine, it's impossible to learn everything in a single lifetime, but at least let's be honest.

[–] 2 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 20 hours ago) (2 children)

That someone like Russell subscribed to a form of protopanpsychism is not a proof that his position is right. It does indicate, on the other hand, that it could be a kind of metaphysical position that's more serious than you believe it is, serious enough that vaguely recognizing a few words in a few sentences on wikipedia is not enough to actually understand it. Not only that but it's had actual scientific productivity through ergonomics (eg "How the cockpit remembers its speed"), biology (biosemiotics), sociology (actor network theory), and even arguably in physics through Ernst Mach and information theory.

[–] 2 points 21 hours ago* (last edited 21 hours ago) (4 children)

Can you explain how you reached that conclusion? Since you're a rigorous thinker, no doubt it would be trivial for you. After all, you're notably up against Bertrand Russell, one of the writers of the first attempt to ground maths onto rigorous foundations, so since it only took you a few minutes to come to your conclusion, you must have a very powerful mind indeed. Explaining your reasoning would be as easy as breathing is for us the lesser-minded.

[–] 8 points 22 hours ago (6 children)

She sucks when overextendeding her aura of expertise to domains she's not good in (eg metaphysics and esp pan-psychism which she profoundly misunderstands yet self-assuredly talked about). Her criticism of academia is good, but she reproduces some of that nonsense herself.

[–] 68 points 5 days ago

Finally, good web design.

[–] 2 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

You might like the dialogues in Bateson's Steps Towards an Ecology of Mind.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

Then yes the solution of is fine, no need for anything too complicated.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Can you show your exact folder structure?

[–] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Edit: OP actually has a simple folder structure, and transmission-create works fine, so no need for anything more than just looping over 1st level folders and files with a simple shell script.

Basically you'd want to map seasons to folders within the torrent files. I found the torf python library on github that looks good, but there are two questions:

  • what's the structure of those XML files, what do they contain?
  • seeing the mass of torrents you want to create, it wouldn't hurt to cache the cryptographic sum of the files' blocks for the chosen block size, unless this is already in those XML files

Not that I'm implicitly saying I'd write a program to do this (I'm very unreliable), but looks like you'd need to go the programming route (you or someone else). It's a matter of walking your folders, finding those XML files, parsing them with a library (python has a built in one), finding what to do with that info exactly, and passing it to torf. And preferably, saving the cryptographic sums, as well as the progress of the program. If you have the cryptographic sums in the XML files, it'd be worth it to make the program concurrent with threads, as it would be about reading and writing files as fast as possible, and this could be so fast saving progress would be pointless.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago

You'd be better off studying the psychology of social influence.

[–] 24 points 2 weeks ago

People have warned about this risk since disqus started getting popular. Based on my experience, no matter how nice you try to be about it, people choosing this kind of solution can give zero fucks about this, and consider that immediate convenience trumps everything. So, cheh.


Quand on parle de guerre, les gens semblent s'imaginer quelque chose de simple et de quasi mécanique, sauf que bien sûr il y a des pertes, parce que c'est comme ça et on se pose pas plus de question. Mais en fait entre penser "il faut que les Ukrainiens mettent la pâtée aux Russes" et la réalité, il y a tout un monde. C'est ça dont parle ce chapitre de "De la guerre" de Clausewitz, le frottement.


Ça résume ce qu'il explique dans son petit livre Théorie générale du droit. Je trouve que c'est très utile si on y connaît rien, ça permet de mieux placer les discours utilisant le droit, ce qu'ils font, et peuvent faire.


Je les ai toujours pas terminé, mais ça m'a servi de cours d'introduction à l'ergonomie de l'activité. Il y a aussi les entretiens transcrits avec des ergonomes sur le site de la SELF.


Une bonne centaine d'entretiens filmés, avec un angle sociologique et historique. La plupart sont les ancien·ne·s employé·e·s d'une ancienne entreprise de couture à Vierzon, et l'industrie mécanique, mais y a quelques autres professions, comme un souffleur de verre encore en activité. Pas d'analyse, c'est le matériau quasi brut : quelques passages jugés inutiles ont été enlevés, et il a un chapitrage des vidéos.

[–] 13 points 1 month ago

It's been less "mechanistic" so far: fewer canned replies, fewer "oh this post again". It's partly because of there being very few bots and less astroturfing, but also I think it's just the mindset, people here may be less likely to be passive consumers. On reddit I kept having the issue of people misreading everything I posted, because they barely cared about what they had on their screen and wanted everything on it to cater to their taste. Big social networks encourage a form of algorithmic solipsism.

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