Bro you're the one who made the system slow paced by defunding it during a pandemic.
Get the fuck out of here. I'm so sick of the cons. Buck a beer is not going to help me when I'm in dire need of medical assistance.
I tuned into the live stream the other day to get the orange armor and it was massively painful watching the devs play the game worse than your friends. Watching them try to deal with chargers by mag dumping them in the head was kind of infuriating. Apparently the "peel the leg" meta is not obvious? They said something about thinking the easiest way to kill a charger was to attack the head, which is for sure not the case.
Tentacles make it worse. I've just been juggled by them for like 30 seconds or more at a time. If you get hit by one and ragdoll into another, you just bounce around until the game decides you're allowed to play it again.
When those things spawn on the extract, it gets 10x more difficult, even on top of bile titans and chargers.
I have to respectfully disagree. I think that the breaker nerf was massive. I don't find it fair at all. They should have nerfed the outgoing damage rather than make it impossible to actually use as a primary. 4 mags is functionally nothing. My friends run supply backpacks pretty often and I just kept hearing a chorus of "damn, you're out of ammo again?"
I switched to the Slugger and it's just a better weapon all-around, even with the changes. The recoil is heavy but the armor pen is choice against everything. Mag size is fine, single reload is great because you can't fuck that up, and when it hits you feel the punch.
Flamethrower nerf is a huge travesty. Makes me really upset overall. It was the only tool consistently good at clearing chargers.
Well, I think the performance issues were definitely understated. I know the patch notes said "we have stability issues in difficulty 10" but we went for it anyway, and it feels like not a single match goes by without at least one person disconnecting or crashing.
Additionally it makes zero sense to have nerfed fire and then put out an all fire-based battle pass. That was going to lose them points. It's not like the flamethrower was particularly good at anything besides burning bugs to a crisp, and now none of it is good for anything.
I disagree with bringing in more redditors to this site. I think the community ambassador system is a quick way of creating a bunch of powermoderators on a system that's supposed to be designed to resist that kind of behavior and centralization.
If you hate being downvoted because of disagreement, why would you want to bring more users who default to that behavior?
I also do not believe you should have any more power or capacity in the fediverse. It's clear to me by your behavior in this thread that even basic things like being downvoted can set you off and make you decide to try to start a witch hunt.
Reddit promoted "downvote to disagree" and this is a consequence of the userbase having migrated from there.
You can say whatever you want about how it should work, but the bottom line is that most people using vote-based systems are voting up and down based on if they agree with what's posted. It hasn't been "downvote for off-topic" for over a decade.
This guy wants to bring more redditors to the site, the people actively perpetuating downvote to disagree.
Are we going to get one of these threads every few days?