AI isn't going to figure out what a customer wants when the customer doesn't know what they want.
It's becoming clear from the data that more error correction needs exponentially more data. I suspect that pretty soon we will realize that what's been built is a glorified homework cheater and a better search engine.
It's not terrorism if it's war.
We have/had a magical economy that never went down even when others stagnated. Turns out the secret ingredient was democracy. Oops
Time to sail the high seas.
So is jerkin' it.
I switched to cash last week.
It has pictures of my grandchildren too . . . somewhere.
IIRC, you don't for reconciliation.
Russia does not give a single fuck about their assets getting burned. It happens all the time. It's part of their playbook to make their assets more and more bold.
Partners can take entire departments with them to other law firms.