I started with just one, and was buying digital games. I quickly found as each child gets to 6-7, they need their own switch. So I'm sitting at 4 right now, and agree hard on physical games.
However, in cities such as Miami, median list prices are still 50% higher than before the pandemic,”
This is still pretty much the case in Tampa too, property values are so inflated from 2021 and 2022 that a 5% drop really just shows the market leveling off.
But the home insurance market is a sword of Damocles hanging over the state, and Desantis is too busy campaigning against universally popular ballot measures to do anything about it (and has found other culture war bullshit to distract himself from it for years now).
Yeah - I don't want to be too dismissive. I've read interviews with him, and despite his success, he hasn't measurably changed his lifestyle or fallen into the traps a big influx of money can cause. It honestly reminds me of No Man's Sky (minus the redempetion arc) where enough money was made from the base product that it funds ongoing development for the forseeable future.
It's not a lifestyle declaration, it's a car. I know people online make it sound like everyone is frothing at Tesla drivers, but ultimately: you bought a thing to get you around town.
Slap an Anti-Elon Tesla Club bumper sticker on it if you want. Do what I've been doing since Elon called that one guy a pedophile: remind people who comment that you're not responsible for a billionaire's antics. You just wanted an electric car.