Why are we all fucked if we can't stay a union? I don't see how this is less practical than going off grid and sniping people.
Our union is already fried. I'm honestly just trying to be pragmatic. The US has something like 14 distinct subregions, and we'd probably be much better off like the EU; a bunch of legally sovereign partner states under a trade federation.
Honestly, tell me, what path do you see for getting the federal government back to even 1990s level of functionality? Because I really don't see one that isn't made of pure cope and delusion. I'm not trying to put you down, I honest to goodness don't see a way back from this. We've missed so many legitimate chances to save the union over the last thirty years, even in the last four years. These opportunities have reliably been passed up by cowards, fools, gluttons for money and/or power, and people too busy performing to political high roading to actually do the needful and difficult work called for by these times, and I think our last chance might have sailed. This is it, we've hit the end of the road, there's no clever tweet, great speaker, or national Messiah to lead us back from the brink; we're either going to tip into naked fascism and all that goes with it, or we walk away. What comes next will not be resolved by anything that will make a feel-good moving in twenty or thirty years. Imo, balkanization is the most practical and least violent of all outcomes for everybody.
TIL I'm under 30
I'm not talking about fracturing communities as much as breaking the federal government's capacity for harm by separating it from revenue streams (blue states) and creating standalone states that are more responsive to the needs of their people.
I'm organizing with peaceful balkanization efforts. What about you?
Also, this IS the truth. Trump is already doing things that he can't do, and the courts aren't doing a great job of stopping him. There are no consequences, just finger wagging. As such, he has no reason whatever to obey or fear the courts. We've utterly abandoned holding powerful people accountable, to the detriment of us all.
Hey, I see that you're mad about the people responding to you, but it's vital that you understand that the constitution is dead, the republic is over, we have a king now. We're maybe, generously, months from Congress dissolving itself at Trump's request. At this point, the Trump administration can and will do whatever they want; when there are no consequences for violating the law, the law does not exist. It's up to us, the people, to make them second guess and wonder if there will be consequences- in a better scenario, they would know there would be consequences, but I think we're past that.
All it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.
Oh, good, you're finally awake. A lot's happened in the last ten months, let's get you caught up.
This is getting a little more out there, but fuck it, we're all going to be nervously grasping our crystals and consulting our horoscopes soon enough. If you believe AARO/AATIP, they also contract out research to study recovered UFOs. One of the major points of the congressional UAP hearings in 2023 was claiming that we have multiple recovered vehicles under the domain of the DoD and DoE and that we need to open source the research on them. Not sure I believe them, but it was certainly an allegation I wasn't expecting.
I think you're thinking of the department of energy, not education.
Montesquieu knew what was up. If Donald declares himself King and we don't meaningfully say no as a society, then he's a king. The constitution isn't going to rise up out of its case and shoot atomic fire at him, it's just an old piece of paper that only matters insofar as we believe in it. And, well, [gestures around] I'd say that ship has pretty well sailed.
I came here to mention the UFO. Aliens confirmed?