
joined 9 months ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 hour ago (7 children)

If you have a problem with limestone in your water you can use the cheapest vinegar you can find and add it to the washing machine to make your clothes smoother.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 16 hours ago

Absolutely, but it is food seeing some people who actually use their money for something good.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 22 hours ago

This is exactly what they are trying to do. Reading the article gives insights to how this community tries to move away from coal by creating new key industries, retraining workers and building renewable power sources.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 23 hours ago

The only thing I could tell of the top of my head is, that Russia recruits mercenaries there.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I Kind of dribbled this by using the same plate/knive for the week and then I only have to do dishes once a week. But I also usually only eat bread at home, since I usually eat lunch at university.

I usually only do laundry every two weeks which isn't that bad.

[–] [email protected] 24 points 1 day ago

What the hell did I miss this time?

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Sadly The EU doesn't has the balls to kick this fuckers out of the EU. This is literally the only way to deal with this asshole.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago

Also quasi pünktlich

[–] [email protected] 24 points 3 days ago (7 children)

Wait until you hear about German trains.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago

Bro looks like he just found some low level space marine armor

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 days ago

Thanks. I really like to paint all sort of details in retributor Armour. Devinetively one of my favourite colors. The weapon barrels are painted in screaming bell, which I got very recently for this exact purpose.


I tried edgehighliting on this one and I absolutely love how it turned out.


As you may have heard, after the german elections germany now mants to massively increase its defense budget with an annual fund of 500b € and another fund of 500b € should be created to secure investments into the german infrastructure for the next ten years. This push towards taking this big amounts of debts comes from our conservative party CDU and also from the so called (they dont deserve that name anymore) social democrats (SPD). The CDU is famous for its so called "black zero", which basically means, that the state shouldnt take debts. This ideology has led towards germany having an investment backup of around 600b €. The CDU also pushed towards holding onto this idelogy through the whole election campaign. Quite strange that they now want to take on one trillion euros of debt. Even more strange after realising, that they sued the last government over 60b of debt. This move also includes a change to the german debt brake, which forbids the state to take debt, to allow increased military spending by taking on debt for this.

Currently our parliament is still manned by the last elections. The CDU wants to push this plan through with the old parliament, because for this he needs a majority of 2/3. In the new parliament this means, that the CDU would have to talk with the leftist party or commit political suicide (again) and talk with the facistic AfD. hey however are unlikely to back his plans because they are absolutely neoliberal and are against all forms of debt.
Now comes the thing. The leftist will, under no circumstances, back the current plans of the CDU for multiple reasons:

  • The CDU wants to cut taxes, valueing at about 100b €/year. Mostly for the rich. So this debt of 1 tr€ is basically just a compensation for the tax cuts.
  • Debt only for weapons: The reform of the debt brake only allows debt for investments into the military. Investments into infrastructure or for batteling climate change would not be backed by this and would have to get financed exclusively by the fund of 500b €.
  • Money for me, but not for thee: The CDU needs this money to finance their tax cuts. However, they still want to be able to eventually sue future governments for taking on debt.

The leftist party will only back this reform if the debt brake gets reformed to allow for investment into the infrastructure and other vital parts. I am not sure what their take on the 500b € investments into the military is, but knowing them i can only guess, that they dont want this money to only flow into weapons, since they are mostly for reforming the military spending to only invest into weapons that are needed for defence.


I havent seen a post on this topic so I gonna write one by myself.

After our election the conservatives (CDU) and social democrats (SPD(they dont really deserve that naem tbh)) have started working on what would be the base of a coalition. These talks were finished yesterday.

You can find the original german document here but since most of you dont speak german i have translated it with deepl. You can find the document here.

The document is 11 sites long, so its absolutely possible to read this as a whole. However, if you dont want to here is a short summary. Be aware, that this is my interpretation. The document is almost entirely written by the CDU. It is hard to spot anything the SPD claimed they wanted to do. So they basically said "Do what ever the fuck you want if we get our 3 points or so in exchange". For the coming parts I will interpret the parts written with my knowledge of how the CDU spoke and what their goals are.

Finance and taxes:
They want to create a fund of 500b for instastructure and 500b for military spending. This may sound good, but it isnt as good as it sounds like. You can see the whole reasoning here. I created a second post for this because this is quite a complex thing.

  • Our districts should be allowed to take on debt in the amount of 0,35% of the GDP (the same amount of the current tax break)
  • They want to create a comission for modernising the debt break. However i dont think that this comission will have any positive impact.

Economics: The coalition wants mainly a "Dont change anything" way. They will likely pay the losses of companies to pull them out of the dirt they got themself into. One example is the car industry. They want to be "open to technology", which means, that the manufacturers should bet on combustion engines instead of electric cars. They want to subsidise electric cars to make buying them more attractive. This money will be the amount that the manufacturers make the car more expensive to cash out on this. This leads to manufacturers not really caring about electric engines and falling behind on global competition basically ruining themselves. They also want to dispose for creating CO2 neutral steel. Funny enough, the next point is a lip service about caring about the climate. This is also the only thing they wrote about the climate change

Working and social:

  • Working overtime will become tax free meaning, that companies will adjust their payment to make working overtime a necessity.
  • People who rely on social security will receive more pressure to force them into a job. Part of this is, that people who deny a job offer multiple times will get all of their social security benefits cut (they will not receive any money). This however is against the constitution, but it will take some time until this gets taken down by our constitutional court.
  • They want to establish a minimum wage of 15€/h until 2026. This is also one of the few points the SPD is responsible for.
  • They want to stabilise rents and make working, while relying on rent, up to 2000€/month tax free


I suggest to you, that you read this yourself because this is literally facist ideology. Anyways, here we go.

  • They want to cut down migration as a whole. They dont want to control it, but cut it down. The amount of people who come as work migrant from the west balkan should not higher as 25.000 per year.
  • Irregular migration (people wo seek asylum) will become basically illegal, because they want to enforce the Dublin-regulation forcing asylum seekers to make their asylum in the first country they enter, thats part of the EU. People who dont do this will be stopped at the border.
  • Giving Asylum for people who normally wouldnt be allowed to get asylum (as example people who worked with the military in Afghanistan) will get cancelled and it will become illegal for people to enter germany since they have a family member in Germany.
  • They want to drastically increase the amounts of deportations. They want to expand the list of countrys people can get deported to. This will also include Syria and Afghanistan.
  • People who get deported will no longer receive a lawyer to defend them. They also want to give the police to detain immigrants that get deported.

Things that didnt got mentioned:

  • Climate change. They did not suggest any ways of batteling climate change. They said that they want to fight it, but they do not say anything more concrete. They also want to introduce policies that actively worsen climate change like not banning combustion engines and also not producing CO2 neutral steel.
  • Cannabis: Germany legalised the possesion and growing of weed for adults. The CDU has since than screamed, that they wanted to revert this. There wasnt a single point regarding the legal status of cannabis. It might be possible, that the SPD, who were also responsible for the legalisation, stopped the CDU here, but its more likely, that the CDU realised that this isnt the most important topic and they instead focused on other things.
  • Equality and LGBTQ* rights: There is a single policy in which they say, that they want to help women who experience violence. However, they do not mention anything else regarding the equality of all genders and sexualities. It is likely, that the violence against these groups will increase, whic is because of the uprising of the far right, and the state wont care at all.

Conclusion: They want to push towards a facist migration policy and fuck the whole country over. They openly said, that they want to deport immigrants no matter what. We are absolutely fucked.


Ich habe das ganze leider nicht Online gefunden, deshalb bekommt ihr hier den Link zu der PDF Datei. Es lohnt sich echt das zu lesen. Wolltet ihr jedoch unter chronisch hohem Blutdruck oder Aggressuinsproblemen leiden, rate Ich euch davon ab das zu lesen, weil ihr da solche Aggressionen bei bekommt.

Ich habs noch nicht komolett gelesen,von daher nur mein erster Eindruck: Für mich liest sich das so, als wollte man einfach wieder straight up sämtliche Steuern den Unternehmen in den Arsch pusten. Sämtlich progressiven Vorhaben werden abgelehnt. Das Programm strotzt zudem vor Wiedersprüchen (beispielsweise will man Quoten für Grünen Stab abschaffen und im nächsten Punkt bekennt man sich zum Klimaschutz). Die nächsten 4 Jahre werden der feuchte Traum der rechten und der Neoliberalen.

Edit: Ich Habs komplett gelesen und wir sind einfach gefickt. Es gibt nicht mehr dazu zu sagen. Meine Verachtung gegen die CDU und SPD sind ins unermessliche gestiegen. Wie können diesee zensiert es eigentlich Wagen so einen Menschenverachtenden ekelhaften scheiß zu schreiben. Die SPD CDU ist mittlerweile fast genauso faschistisch wie die AfD und SPD hält fleißig den Steigbügel halten. Ich habe hiernach ernsthaft nichts als Verachtung für diese zensiert übrig. Wer jetzt noch ernsthaft meint die SPD sei eine wählbare Partei die die CDU bremst hat den Knall auch nicht gehört. Die Rückgratlosen zensiert haben mal Eben alle Migranten für 15€ Mindestlohn und vielleicht noch 2 weitere Punkte verkauft. Man muss ernsthaft nach Sachen suchen die man der SPD zuschreiben kann.

Rant Ende.


Anlässlich, dass die entsprechende Person Landwirtschaftsminister werden soll ist es vielleicht ganz interessant, was die noch so in der Vergangenheit getrieben hat.

Edit: er wurde nachher zu nur 90 Tagessätzen verurteilt.


Does anyone else have this since the last update?

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