Hamster dance. Time to get all 1996 at you.
Open terminal on BBC micro to mainframe in university campus, ftp to ftp.funet.fi, patiently wait for 6 hours while a single jpeg of (hopefully!) Cindy Crawford in her skivvies downloads to mainframe. Then download using zmodem for another hour to local computer. Save on floppy, back to dorm room, to find out it's corrupted. 😂👍
Heh. My reading 1996 ticket was less that £50. I can't remember exactly now, but it wasn't super expensive. Saw the last? live performance of the stone roses after their brief reunion. Also saw the weddos that day, by far the most fun. The smosh pit for it was amazing.
Knebworth was kinda legendary in the 70s and 80s, lots of huge bands did a "festival" there on occasion. And yeah, 1996 Oasis was by far their tiptop peak. Weirdly I actually saw Oasis once before, they were touring small(ish) pub venues a few weeks before cigarettes and alcohol was released, at the Cambridge boat race. Quite the show. They played a bunch of songs that'd be on definitely maybe.
I paid £22.50 for my Knebworth ticket to see Oasis in 1996. Beer was expensive but the lines were so long that two or three was all that was feasible. Instead I got stoned off my face and zoned out on a little hill behind the vip area. It was amazing but I was so smashed that my memory is fuzzy. Ah well. My sister just paid over £1000 for four tickets to oasis. I think I got a rather better deal than her.
So I should include the 4 Saturdays I worked as a 6'2 tall Kid Vid (the short lived burger king mascot) in 1993 in Crawley Town centre (and scared a lot of kids because I was WAY TOO TALL - the costume was designed for a 5'4 girl), because it's relevant experience to my 30 year career in it consultancy. Gotcha
It's an absolute calamity here. My four haven't stopped reminding me for the last 30 minutes. They still have 30 minutes to wait. They will wait.