
joined 2 years ago
[–] 11 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

Use power settings

Problem solved.


[–] 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

#3 for me. Keeps my handwriting just a little bit more legible.

#4 doesn't work for my writing style it seems. I end up wearing large flats on the lead anyways.

[–] 31 points 3 days ago (6 children)

But first.... Halo theme song

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Never tried those but I have experience with xeroshoes walking half marathon distances multiple times a week.

It wore a fairly significant cavity where my callus/balls of my feet is... Lasted maybe 2 months?

I'm exploring more options myself so I'll have to give the Lem brand a try.

[–] 40 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Bored people can now tune into (source of entertainment) instead of learning.

I don't think the capacity for intelligence has dropped significantly, rather we as a society dedicate our time differently.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago

I wonder what the wife thinks.

[–] 6 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

Ace combat 4, 5, and Zero

[–] 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (2 children)

Where is this? Is it something you can see off a public road?

[–] 5 points 2 months ago

I have multiple languages on gboard...If you're too slow with the swipe it will open up the language selection menu. There are a total of three buttons to switch languages

[–] 4 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

I'm kind of in the same struggle... Can't transition from parametric CAD to a direct modeling software like blender. Years of autoCad, Solidworks, Siemens NX, and even a bit of Catia. Not being able to directly communicate something with exactness was strangely overwhelming. Also, I remember when I accidentally started creating a fractal of split windows in blender's older UI.

Weird feature I used blender was for a video editor (NLE) before Davinci Resolve/openshot became popular. That surprisingly was easy to use.

Now there's more pressing need for Blender because of its python scripting capabilities. It actually used as an engineering tool.

...okay. I'm going to do that doughnut tutorial right now!

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

Drakenguard 3, Nier.

[–] 8 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Looks like their mail totes but upside-down.

I like the aesthetics and color scheme.


Following the prior Lemmy post about towels...

I wash once a week, is that sufficient or need I more frequency?


I'm in a situation with my manager who is suggesting that clock-in starts when the employee arrives to the site of work. Effectively saying that everyone should be coming in 15 minutes earlier than their start time.

The majority of what I read online was about security checks when leaving the premises instead of entering. And the results of a couple class actions seem like the law has loose interpretation.

Wondering what your experiences have been like dealing with this situation. Are you paid for your time traveling on company premises?

For ref this takes place in California.


Nandert is in my opinion the best channel for Los Angeles county metro projects.


I've owned the DT 1990 Pro for a couple years now and it's absolutely the best set of headphones I've ever used. But fairly recently the creaking issues that many other users reported have crept up to me.

Basically anytime I moved my head around I would hear what sounded like a piece of plastic being rubbed against another piece and causing creaking noises. I tried to tolerate it but alas it was too much.

The Problem

The molded plastic of the earcup and the plastic frame of the driver are sitting in a way to cause minute rocking when the headband flexes the earcup from head movement. Imagine the outer plastic as an ellipse and the driver as a circle within the ellipse. The circular driver will be free to rock within the ellipse shape of the outer plastic. Even if the driver finds a point to settle, flex introduced into the cans via headband will cause distortion which forces displacement of the drivers causing creaking.

Although, perhaps the driver isn't meant to be 'over-constrained'... To explain further, the retaining ring clips on to the earcup and compresses the foam pad and driver which also has a soft pliable material glued to rest against 3 prongs on the ear cup. This technically prevents the driver from flying about in the earcup. Where it gets over-constrained is from the frame of the driver making many many point/area contact around the earcup. Thus causing a binding condition to occur.


One purported solution was to loosen the two T6 flat head screws that hold the earcup. This reduces the amount of earcup flex caused by the headband which does reduce the amount of creaking but will not eliminate it all together.

The solution then is to restrain the driver within the earcup in a way it wont creak.

You'll need to take it apart to access the driver.


  1. Remove the earpads, plenty of videos on how to do this but all it only takes a light pull to remove it. random 3min YT video

  2. Unclip the retainer. I found it easiest to wedge a flat head down into the smallest of the 4 tabs. Small push no prying. See image. Once one came out the rest came out easily.

  3. Now you'll have access to the driver. Mind the location of the key and push down around the driver. It didn't take much force to cause the creaking. See image

On my particular headphone I noticed an up-down creak (relative to the picture).

  1. To remove the driver, place your hand over the driver in preparation to catch it then flip the earcup over. It should just drop out. A couple taps was necessary for me.

  2. Shim one side where the creaking was the worst. I chose to use a piece of teflon tape, it's thin and I suppose the reduced friction helps? The plastic frame of the driver is fairly skinny so I cut the tape in half.

This is where you might have to take it differently since your earcup/driver dimensions&form(shape) will be different. I did consider taking a file to it and shaving off a bit around the perimeter so the driver isn't over-constrained but I didn't want to go that route unless necessary.

  1. Put it all back together.


It was fun looking for a solution. Root cause analysis is something I attempt do all the time as an R&D machinist.

It's a huge relief to not have to put these headphones away either. Since these are the most priciest set I have.

Let me know if this worked out for you.

See the link above for more details.

Sept 19 (Tuesday) - 6pm

Redondo Beach City Council

Sept 20 (Wednesday) - 1pm

Metro Planning & Programming Committee

Sept 21 (Thursday) - 11am

Metro Executive Management Committee

Please subscribe to nandert if you're interested about the politics behind SoCal railroads. I'm really fond of his channel because it's incredibly rare for a creator to be so knowledgeable about the local politics and measures going on. And many of his videos are a call-to-action unlike info dumps of other urban city planning youtube channels.

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