I want to add custom commands to my PATH
but am unable to get it working. So far I've installed home-manager
and added the code below to my nix configuration.
imports = [
Then later on to add the item to PATH
home-manager.users.curtismchale = { pkgs, ... }: {
home.stateVersion = "23.05";
home.sessionPath = [
I have also tried $HOME/Workspace/proudcity/producity-kubernetes/bin/pc-kube
but that doesn't change the issue.
I can see the commands installed at ~/Workspace/proudcity/proudcity-kubernetes/bin/pc-kube
but when I type the expected command pc kube $command
it says there is nothing installed in path and offers to install some programs that match pc
for me.
Hollow Knight...need to put in the time to finish it at some point still.