
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago) (1 children)

The thing is that I already have a server and a few Terabytes of unused storage. So that would not be an issue. As long as storage doesn't en up adding that much. I know that the fediverse protocol likes to replicate storage among all servers involved in an interaction. Though I wonder if it would be possible to safely erase old data, specially if I'm just hosting it for myself. I need to investigate on that.

But for the other costs I already have a server running 24/7 on my house and several Tb of Storage. I already pay for that regardless as I use it for other things. Though ideally I would not want to allocate more than 500Gb for a one person instance, idk how reasonable would that be.

And I also need to investigate how are the normal federation politics with one person instances. If it is like trying to host an email server would be hell as you'll get mark as spam by a lot of providers.

And now that I'm wondering things I wonder how feasible would it be to host very small instances on cheap devices like sbc or cheap mini-pc. Maybe aiming for thousands of instances with a few dozen people in each instead of a few dozen of instances with thousand of people in them.

[–] [email protected] 28 points 11 hours ago (5 children)

I have always thought of hosting a fediverse instance for myself.

I already have a server for personal usage, the technical knowledge and it would stop being a burden on other people's servers.

Does anyone have experience with this. The federation system works fine with one person instance? Storage goes out to the roof?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

Things doesn't usually work like that.

Rent subsidiaries work by your annual income and usually the cost of your rent.

For instance they may pay you 300€ a month for your rent as long as your income is less than 30.000€ a year and your rent is bellow 800€/month. And increasing the thresholds if you have kids or if you are part of a protected collective.

They may be above these thresholds. It's pretty common in Europe for people who struggle to meet ends are above the needed thresholds for getting help. As prices have gone really up and the bar for being lower class have change a lot lately as there is a lot of new extremely poor people to help. So money don't end up being enough for all. And people with normal jobs and who live alone or with their SO usually do not get any help even if they need it.

The welfare state is kind of falling apart in the latest years.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago

Android seems far more likely cause.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I had a friend who was convinced that we had found extraterrestrial life long ago. Not little green aliens. Se just read all those "organic compounds founds", and assumed it was life. So she was casually living in a reality where humanity had found evidence of extraterrestrial life.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I actually have. And I have read a LOT and I mean a LOT of philosophy.

All the great philosophers of history to begin with. I have read all their most famous works. And I have enjoyed them. I think they are great read. But great LITERATURE read. Not scientific reads.

I still think they are not science, as they do not describe nature. They just give opinions on several matters. And the few who dared to make any predictions about the future failed miserably.

If they are science they should be able to do predictions about nature. To propose experiments that are proven true. They should be falsable if proven untrue.

And just for the record, I have also read the full Bible. It's also a great piece of literature, but it obviously doesn't depict the reality of nature as a product of the scientific method.

And just to make a point, just because some old guy you got impressed by told you something is true, doesn't make it true. Take this last sentence as you wish.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

And the bible used to be considered an explanation on the origins of earth and the human being.

Luckily as time goes on humanity have been able to understand nature in better ways than we used to.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I literally wrote "I have a hard time understanding why we should fund philosophy studies with government money.".

If you do a bias interpretation on that in your search for an enemy is on you.

I don't write here trying to achieve any goal. I'm not a partisan not a propagandists.

My only goal, as suggested from the original comment was to know other people's opinion a debate a little on that.

And I'm not even American, so I don't really have much stakes on that the US government does or stop doing with their fundings.

As I have already said, it's not that I don't like humanities being funded. I don't like them being treated as sciences, when they are not. I would support a humanities funding that would consists in a more democratic and spread funding that would allow to any member of the society to work on their humanities if they want. For instance funding for anyone self publishing a book on any matter (philosophy or fiction), building national archives and forums for this humanities to coexist.

But funding a philosophy department with a few elite philosophers who are getting a lot of money to do some philoshophing is just wrong from my pov. I could be convinced otherwise if a good argument is presented, but as far as it goes it has not been presented such argument.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Not really. I'm just presenting arguments I have always had about philosophy not being a science.

Even if rare, not a single philosopher could make an experiment or present me a scientific theory that would prove that abortion is right or wrong. So the opinion of a single philosopher is as good as any other, and as good as mine for this matter.

Most modern philosophers are left wing, so yes, most philosophers would agree that left-wing morals are right, and that would present an opportunity for left-wing people to say that global morality should be decided by philosophers. I'm left wing myself but I'm against tricks and lies, even if they "benefit the cause". And even if considering philosophers the moral light of our society would benefit me (as I mainly agree on most modern philosophers views) I personally consider it to be a false statement.

The not funding thing is on the air, yet. I'm just convinced is not a science, is more like literature and other forms of personal expression. And for me the argument would be founding all equally or none. And of course I don't agree on giving any philosopher a position of authority on morals "just" for being a philosopher in the same way I would give a scientist an authority position in science just for being a scientist (once again, because the whole thing of science is that it's subjected to experiments and falsifiability.

I don't even want to diss philosophers. I enjoy reading philosophy a lot. But just as I enjoy reading any other kind of literature. I have respect for Liu Cixin (for instance) but I wouldn't give him an special position in telling people what to do just because he writes good books that make you think.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (4 children)

I'm pretty sure a lot of professional philosophers would agree on abortion bans, while a schmuck like myself agree on "mothers choice"... So...

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (4 children)

I only consider science those fields that can describe nature and assert this depiction of nature vie repeatable experiments. Thus I don't agree on philosophy being a science.

I algo don't agree that a professional would have better morals than me. Due the personal nature of what morality is.

Imagine I say my morals are the best, how is any professional philosopher to prove me wrong? It's not possible. But if I say that "climate change is not real" a lot of climate scientist could show me evidence and offer me a set of experiments to undoubtedly prove me wrong.

I think of philosophy as a form of literature.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (12 children)

Why would a philosophy major would have better ethics than my, for instance?

Ethics are greatly influenced by so many aspects different to whatever career someone chose to study.

And we could cut the middleman just voting and electing people with the same ethical values as me. It would be a piss off democracy if I chose a representantive who campaigned for painting all buses blue because I share that view just for some unelected person coming to say "no that's not ethical you shall not do that".

Ethics of a society emerge from the society, not from a few individuals. Every person have a set of values and in democracies we chose what are the government positions on those values by voting. I think moral lobbing by a few selected individuals would be bad, no matter if priest of philosophy majors.


I cannot stand google news any more, too much spam, clickbait and advertisement. So I decided to try to selfhost an RSS aggregator to make myself a news feed that I would be comfortable with. Being RSS such an "ancient" thing I thought there will be many mature systems, but I'm not sure that's the case..

As far as my investigation goes there are two main options out there** TT-RSS (tiny tiny RSS) and FreshRSS**. There seems to also be miniflux but it supposedly have very few features.

So I tried the both main ones and I ended up kind of disappointed, I hope that I'm missing something. My requirements are:

1-Have a nice interface, card view, phone friendly. Basically being able to look the same as google news looked. So both have a pretty dated interface. And terrible responsive UI for phones. I was kind of able to make a "card view" with TT-RSS but looked hideous and didn't really work on phone screen, also applying themes broke TT-RSS, this will be recurring theme but it looks like TT-RSS is constantly breaking a rolling release system makes it very unstable and many plugins, themes and third party apps don't work right now because some new update broke everything. So native theming wasn't going to be a thing, so I tried third party apps. I found many that worked with FreshRSS and settled on Feedme, it looked exactly as I wanted, great. One point for FreshRSS. Feedme was supposedly compatible with TTRSS but I could not login, I have the suspicion that one update broke integration. I'm not even try to attempt to ask in their forums as I see that some time ago somebody asked the same question and got banned from their forums.

2-Being able to filter or prioritize feeds The problem is that I would love to suscribe to very diverse feeds, some would post maybe over a 100 post per day and others maybe one post every week or even month. So if let everything by default the former would flood the feed and I would never see the post from the little feeds. Here both offer categories that I could use but ideally I would love to have a curated main page. FreshRSS supposedly have a priority system but it seems quite simple and not effective for my needs, AFAIK you can put some feeds in "important feeds" but it only would show those feeds in that category then. TTRSS does have an advance filter system that is complex enough and with some fiddling I think I could make a set of rules that satisfy my needs. One point for TTRSS.

3-Being able to suscribe to any feed or even scrape webs that doesn't provide feeds. Here FreshRSS wins, I have zero issues subscribing to everything I wanted. With TTRSS I couldn't even subscribe with some pages that did provide with a feed, even if it was in an unconventional way. TTRSS devs say that is the webpage problem (even if FreshRSS had no problem with it). Here another point to FreshRSS.

And that is it, I do not exige that much. But I wasn't able to find a system that ticks those three checkboxes. FreshRSS was so close. But unless I am missing something you can't really create a curate feed that prioritizes and sorts feeds and posts in the way you can do with TTRSS sorting, if there is a way please let me know. And without that the whole thing becomes useless from the flooding feeds. And while I'm in love with TTRSS filters and sorting system, the whole app seems to unstable and with so many bugs to be usable, at least in my desired usercase (and I've seem many people complaining about TTRSS updates breaking things all the time).

My two main questions are:

-Am I missing some other self-hosted app that could do all I wanted?

-Am I missing some FreshRSS feature or extension that could curate a main feed with my own rules?

Any thoughts?

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