Cocoa Hoots cereal. Loved those; fifty years on and I still remember how they tasted…
I remember, and miss them. My grandma always had them around back in the mid-seventies, and they were the treat of all treats.
She always had Buc-Wheats cereal in the pantry too.
A second-hand (pre-Cerberus/Freedom Group) Remington 1100 or 11-87 in twenty-gauge. I am partial to the “special field” version with the straight grip.
Any adjustable LOP would be aftermarket, or you can have her measured and get the factory stock altered by a competent gunsmith. Note that I wrote “gunsmith,” not “AR assembler” - the two are conflated far too often these days.
Thank you.
What book is this? It’s damnably familiar, but I can’t place it.
The three diabetics I’ve cared for were all best controlled with a combination of diet and Levemir. Fancy Feast pate-style and no dry food; no need for “special” (read “way overpriced” food).
Check with Diabetic Cats in Need about the best ways to source Levemir or Lantus. I used to live in the Detroit area and just drove to Canada for it where it is over-the-counter and less expensive…
Coatings chemist here.
If you’re willing to go waterborne, try General Finishes. Their stains and clears have always performed well for me.
Interesting. I’ve met him; he came to my university back in the early 1990s to deliver a lecture. A very pleasant and humble man.
His son Kazuya taught my undergraduate geophysics course.
I rename Gizmo… Vamp Helsing.
Same. What a task…
Skies of Arcadia
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver