
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

if you format it thusly , then anyone can view it from their instance and can then interact with it.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

saw your other post as well, there's so much stuff in your stack that you have to narrow your issues down to the malfunctioning item, there's no way you're gonna stumble upon someone with your exact setup.

start with existing element x apps communicating over matrix.org (use throwaway accounts if you don't trust it) and unified push using ntfy.sh. if everything works there, then you can start replacing one by one of these until you achieve full functionality or something breaks.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

I swear, every time I'm tired of the limitations of AOSP I inevitably begin to bargain with my conscience, like what if I just have a sandboxed play store, what if it's just microG, surely LineageOS has enough safeguards... and sure enough, within 24 hours one of these things pops up and I'm done with coveting the easy path.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 month ago

solid rant.

as to your thing with the addiction to this and that, you hafta learn to hate that crap; it comes naturally to me, so there's not much effort needed.

so when you hate alcohol and burgers and cigarettes and whatnot and especially the industry that produces it cutting every corner to make more money and their advertising henchmen masking every turd with sprinkles and cinnamon, then you're no longer in the "I'm depriving myself of the thing I want", every time you think of it a flood of anger and rage splashes over you and you simply don't want none of that crap, ever.

works for me, your mileage may wary.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

there's dosdude1 soldering away on NAND chips; this should be a walk in the park even for a hobbyist.

as to macgyvering, the S in USB is for "serial" and such a connection needs very few wires, three if I'm not mistaken. so an absent USB connector could be fixed temporarily with clips and wires and such.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

all props to the lady, her content is usually on point and she's really trying but please don't use clonezilla for cloning disk-to-disk. if you have a fairly modern OS with say encrypted btrfs, this thing copies the whole disk (instead of only the occupied space). so if you have a 500 GB disk with 50 GB used, clonezilla will copy the whole 500 gigs. aside from that not being super-efficient, it's also not very healthy for the target SSD. it also copies the UUIDs, so if you leave both disks in the system, havoc awaits.

a vastly faster and way more efficient solution is to use btrfs send | btrfs receive to copy only the data. sadly, no beginner-friendly tool for such an operation exists and you're still supposed to set up everything by hand (new partition layout, grub or systemd-boot install, fstab, etc).

eons ago, we had SuperDuper! on macOS. a free and simple tool anyone could use. that thing clones the disk by copying only the data, so it's possible to clone a larger drive to a smaller (provided the data fits), makes the target bootable, etc. so you just plug it in and it works and all of that works from a live system, no need for USB flashes and such! I'm not aware of any such tool available here and clonezilla even in "beginner mode" is a tall order for non-experienced user.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

it's the usual lime-based paint with god knows how many layers underneath.

thanks a bunch. I've made a separate post, here it is: https://lemmy.ml/post/24996046

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

well, no, as it's sticky and will stick to the vacuum's pipe and innards and whatnot. same goes for wiping (sticks to the rag) etc.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

calling the phone company and faxing them paperwork

doing WHAT the fuck now?!?

~~on a more serious note, can you elaborate on the thing where you, a call receiver, have access to the GPS on the caller's phone? like, how?~~ asked and answered, still don't understand how that happens.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

for uploading, absolutely use syncthing. you can set it up so that it works in only one direction, i.e. phone to server, so any file that appears on the phone's download folder gets sent to the server. the one you want is syncthing-fork on fdroid.

as to listening to the music via youtube check out innertune, also on fdroid.


that's the sequel to FC 5. tried a couple of times to get it to work with various wine versions, had no luck. apparently, it has some unbreakable protection. not sure if that's correct, I can run both Far Cry 5 and 6 without issues, why would they just protect the interim version?


tried plasma a year back and gave up because I couldn't get the above setup to work (annoying lines appearing while typing) on three different laptops (125, 133, 150%). there was supposedly a fix (increasing line spacing) but that didn't work for me. just checking in to see if some workaround came to light? thanks.


same thing with lemmy clients, manually clicking through 100 check boxes of supported domains... can't the app ask to do it on first launch? or is my setup to blame?

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

anyone had any luck with sourcing replacement earbuds? seems kinda wasteful to junk the whole thing because one earbud is gone.

Soundpeats Air3 Deluxe HS, if it matters. searching turned up nada, same with filling out the contact form on their site.


apologies if this community is just for news, feel free to remove.

anyhoo, having trouble getting my WD19 dock to display 4K@60Hz. the laptop is a Dell Latitude 5290 2-in-1, it supports DP-Alt over USB-C (no Thunderbolt) and a direct connection from the laptop to the screen works. however, attaching the monitor to the dock via DP, and then connecting the dock to the laptop with its USB Type-C cable with PD yields 4k@30Hz max.

Dell has a bunch of newer WD19 models (TB, S, etc.) but I don't have those.

it is possible that my hardware is faulty as I've sourced it nth-hand, but before I start replacing it one-by-one, maybe someone got it to work? thanks.


I have a Ryzen 5 1600AF (Zen+) and 2x 8 GB DDR4 3600 HyperX. when I select XMP1, it says 1.35V in the profile. however, when I boot Strelec WinPE USB (I'm on Fedora, I really don't want to install windows just so I can run HWINFO), install all drivers and launch HWINFO64 it says 1.2V. so I enter BIOS again, go to Voltages and enter 1.35 manually instead of auto. no change, still reads 1.2V. the BIOS side screen shows 1.35 after reboot.

I've found an unresolved thread somewhere with the same problem for my board. I'm on latest BIOS.

am I missing something, is there some additional setting I need to switch so it registers? the BIOS setup is hella confusing and borderline stupid, e.g. enabling virtualization required turning on SMP (how am I supposed to guess what that is?!) that's located in the "Frequency" subsection (wtf?!).

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