Maybe the alcohol evaporated? It can happen if the cap isn't sealing properly anymore
I'm pretty sure that would damage the pentagram 😈
Are we the kind or outlier shave forum where the majority of members owns and likes Boltzmann?
@PorkButtsNTaters666 @sahenders
At first, I wondered why you were getting excited about a photo of limits of functions and series, and then I saw the photo 🤔
Yes, some ingredients have been banned in the EU:
There were also other soaps touched by this. Maybe The Fat? I forget
We all start out learning the English spelling at school (like most Europeans). Some switch to American later in life, others stick with centre, colour, neighbour like me.
It's not like one makes more sense than the other. English has the silliest relationship with vowels and the alphabet of any language I've learned 😄
@[email protected]
I'm kinda low-key working on an activitypub-based federated den manager and sotd editor which should solve the wsdb update issue. If you become a lem.el expert in the meanwhile, we can maybe adapt it together into a client for that later 😇
Wait until you hear what Karl would to the Hegel!