
joined 11 months ago
[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Posting an image of a person who is known to everyone as the (suspected) murderer of a capitalist, whom he explicitly murdered for his capitalistic practices, and referring to a distinct but similar set of calitalistic practices is not "a non-violent Luigi post". It's not directly calling for violence, sure. But the connection is pretty clear. If the Right did something like that, we'd probably call it a ((likely intentionally) poorly disguised) dog whistle.

I'm not saying the post is evil and ban-worthy. Which side an action is done for matters. You might say, the ends justify the means. But get your terminology right, and shed the centrists' illusions. And non-violence is an illusion. This is the propaganda theatre of a class war. And Reddit is fighting for the enemy.

[–] 23 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Bis wife started screaming after seeing a "profane sticker"? Sounds like an "and then everybody clapped" story to me.

[–] 7 points 1 month ago

On your own? Not much. You can stop using certain products, save money, and so on. But that's mostly going to help make your individual existence a bit better/less bad. The CEO's aren't gonna give a flying fuck.

But our strength is in our numbers. Get organized. Maybe in a political party, maybe "just" in some sort of collective that helps in an area you care about. Help others in whatever capacity fits your abilities and your situation. And don't expect it to be a quick victory. That will only result in disappointment. As a wise man (?) once so succinctly put it: "Apes together strong."

ich🐶iel (
ich⚔️iel (

cross-posted from:

Trotzki: "nach dem Oberaufseher des Gefängnisses in Odessa – Lew Dawidowitsch Bronstein, sowjetischer Revolutionär, marxistischer Theoretiker und Gründer der Roten Armee. Bronstein wollte mit dieser Namenswahl seinem Hang zur Ironie Ausdruck verleihen."


wir⚔️iel (

Trotzki: "nach dem Oberaufseher des Gefängnisses in Odessa – Lew Dawidowitsch Bronstein, sowjetischer Revolutionär, marxistischer Theoretiker und Gründer der Roten Armee. Bronstein wollte mit dieser Namenswahl seinem Hang zur Ironie Ausdruck verleihen."



Die Signifikanz dieser Erkenntnis ist so offensichtlich, dass ich euren Intellekt nicht mit einer Erläuterung beleidigen will.

[–] 12 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I heard he likes fishsticks.

[–] 9 points 2 months ago (3 children)

No. Like, I appreciate the joke being made, but it just doesn't work.

ich💩💛iel (
ich⚔️iel (
ich😞iel (
[–] 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

I know you're trying to be sarcastic, but you're actually just showing that you didn't read my comment. I d o n o t s u p p o r t e i t h e r e m p i r e. Besides, when has a European force marching on Moscow ever ended in a quick victory for the European power?

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (5 children)

This war has nothing to do with any people's right to self determination. It is a clash between two imperialist powers. Russia's actions are criminal and cruel and it needs to be stopped. The same goes for China and even more so the DPRK. But the fastest way to do so is to end the war asap. Just because one imperialism is less atrocious doesn't mean it should be a permissible leftist policy to support imperialism. That's what the socdems did in Europe in 1914, and it cost the working class a golden opportunity to revolt. In an imperialist war, the left should always want their own bourgeois state to lose, because it weakens it and makes it easier to topple. On neither side is it the ruling class that is suffering and dying - it's working class people with their views clouded by nationalism, propaganda, and the promise of money or freedom from prison.

What Karl Liebknecht said over 100 years ago has lost nothing of its truth - The main enemy is at home.

[–] 11 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Even if "immortality" is the sucky kind, invulnerability kind of implies that you're immune to the aging process.

[–] 4 points 2 months ago

You can be whatever you want.

[–] 3 points 2 months ago

Depending on which deity we're talking, "divine powers" is a no-brainer. Besides that: Immortality, invincibility, siphon powers. Use the time I have (i.e. all of it) to learn unarmed combat and weapon master, and become insanely rich and very intelligent, then invent implants and a powersuit (why would anyone pick those if they're a freebie with immortality), then wait around for others who have picked different powers and siphon off their powers. Since I'm invincible, I can also swallow some plutonium and become radioactive.

So, in conclusion, I would like to be a sci-fi lich.

[–] 3 points 2 months ago

Don't worry, we're catching up at an ever increasing rate.

ich🤡iel (
[–] 11 points 2 months ago

laughs in Emacs

ich🚀🐀iel (
ich📯🐙iel (
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