
joined 7 months ago
[–] 27 points 1 day ago (5 children)

This reminds me that I had to limit my public seeding.

Accidentally did 65TB in 18 days.

[–] 80 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (3 children)

RIP Asahi Linux.

Fuck off to all the fascists ruining OSS.

[–] 3 points 4 days ago

I've caught bots before with the whole "disregard all previous instructions".

[–] 2 points 6 days ago



[–] 1 points 1 week ago

This reminds me of some people I knew who figured out North Korea had a fully electric city bus system (down to the specific bus models), with certain parts attached to overhead electric lines.

Kinda cringe they don't have trams (I think).

[–] 7 points 1 week ago

Amogi propagation

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

I was so happy when the sun and warm and joyous and aaaa💕

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

They are fixing db entries rn, and will refederate by the end of the month.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Thank you. The banner tells all. 😐

[–] 7 points 1 week ago

Thank you for explaining!

[–] 7 points 1 week ago (5 children)

I understand the part of "punching left" and "purity test".

But what do you mean by "NCD"?

[–] 9 points 1 week ago (5 children)

May you elaborate on "authoritarianism in your profile", I feel like that's preventing me from understanding your perspective fully.




  • Removed posters comments
  • Banned posters from community

Mod log

  1. Original comment that was deleted with reason of "Tankie apologia".
  2. When another user comments has suspicions of mods actions, Mod replies with this.
  3. Poster replies in exasperation explaining perspective, rationale, and offline experiences. Comment gets deleted and purged.


The original comment I made was stating that alienation of someone by frustrating their political beliefs is not a way to convince them of anything.

That being their genuine friend goes a long way in helping someone rather then attacking them.

That together they both can work together for a better future.

That you can be annoyed, but that should be swallowed because that is what it means to be part of a community.

You will always be annoyed one way or another in a community, that is the beauty of a community, that there are different people that may annoy you slightly, but working together to still be a community.

The moderator disagrees with this, viewing it as "tankie apologia".

When I replied, explaining why I made my post and my background, My post was removed and I was banned from the community.

Thank you for reminding me on this missing context:

In my reply post, I wrote that "advocating for war on any country is not political flavoring".

That cannot be swallowed, and one should not befriend such a person without sufficient care for ones own wellbeing.

I had wrote explicitly thinking of people who suport Russia against Ukraine, Israel over Palestine, and Assadists etc.

My purged comment also states that "people seeking to punish / attack LGBTQIA+ people is not political flavoring".

I whole heartingly believe trans rights are human rights.

Free HRT and gender affirming care for all!

To remove an otherwise popular comment advocating for support what I feel are healthy behaviors, then name call someone as a "authoritarian" and a "tankie apologist" is disingenuous and corrupt to me.


Personally I would like my comments restored so at least others see a different way of looking at things. I have no qualms with remaining banned.

Perhaps I should have not commented in reply to the mod, but they had already removed my post and I had little to lose.

Otherwise, I am very tired of this on the internet, I am tired of tribalism and the lack of empathy in this world.

What do you all think, should I have even made my original comment if I already knew it would be fruitless?


I've been leaving it in for 15m or so?


Are they real?

Are they effective?


I have.

It's, just sometimes that occurs when I eat.

Munching for a bit, then hook my finger and pull my hair out.

I can't push my hair back, because it is wavy and demands to be able to flow over my shoulders.

I can't tie it up lest it rebels and consumes the hairband.

I have just learned to accept it. Have you?


What are things that you look for?

What are some red flags?


Do you have a set time, or do you do it on the deadline date, or perhaps whenever you remember to?

I am trying to figure out when I should.


About 20 days ago, I had made a blog post about an idea I had for a better federated search engine model.

It didn't take much time for it to develop into a thing I am fixated on.

I am putting the code out, its not ready or working, but it is something I am really happy to make and has filled my time with joy designing.

My current plan is the following:

  1. Get the basic web-ring creation process down
  2. Get scraping jobs functional
  3. Provide a basic query system
  4. Implement basic user accounts
  5. Implement basic federation
  6. Implement basic moderation

Once I am done with the core features that I have in mind, I will start working on adding more features and quality of life improvements.

Some features I want to work on to make this software more enticing to administrators:

  1. The ability to customize what is publicly accessible.
  2. The ability to edit the pages HTML style on the fly, without having to recompile.
  3. Containers for easy deployment.

In regards to application design, I am taking pages from my book in developing Android applications, along with cherry-picking from projects made.

  1. MVC design, with static pages to provide the fastest loading experience for users
  2. Bootstrap to make the pages responsive for any device
  3. Diesel to abstract database interaction and migration.
  4. Handlebars for view templating
  5. Axum as the HTTP core

Hopefully these design decisions make my application as debt free as possible.

If you have any advice or suggestion, please do give, I want to know how I can do better or avoid common pitfalls for newcomers!

If you have criticisms, please be constructive and have empathy towards the fact of me doing this because it makes me happy.


I've been trying to figure this out for over a year now.

This is my latest concept that I'll try to make.

What do you all think?

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

I have a "Dell Inc. Latitude 5290 2-in-1", and it comes with a stereo microphone array that, by default, has a gain that is way too extreme.

A value of 100% is screeching / over-blasted to any listener, while a value of 25% is most reasonable.

Thus, I wanted to limit the gain of the microphones through PipeWire.

I created the following WirePlumber configuration file.

# For "Dell Inc. Latitude 5290 2-in-1"
# The analog input array is way too loud

monitor.alsa.rules = [
    matches = [
      # This matches the value of the '' property of the node.
      { = "alsa_input.pci-0000_00_1f.3.analog-stereo"
    actions = {
      update-props = {
        node.description        = "Dell Latitude 5290 2-in-1 Stereo Microphone"
        channelmix.min-volume   = 0.0
        channelmix.max-volume   = 0.25
        channelmix.normalize    = true

I know this is applying to the correct node, because executing wpctl status shows that the node description has been properly changed.

The problem is that the "channelmix.max-volume" is not applied as I expect it to be. I expect it to make it so that 25% max volume is the new 100%, Instead it seems to do nothing.

What am I doing wrong, and how can I achieve what I want?

Edit 1: Channel Mix is working, but it seems the "Volume" as of wpctl get-volume is referring to gain. Essentially Channel Mix is making it quieter, but the gain because of "Volume" is nonsensical.

Edit 2: RedHat developer says there isn't support for thatcurrently :(

Edit 3: EasyEffects is not the solution here, This is a lower level issue, not something done via an affect to the audio stream. EasyEffects cannot "undo" gain changes.

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