It's a problem for anyone entering politics. It takes incredible resolve and character to resist selling out. He just didn't have what it takes.
I'm just replying to the "quality and cost" part of your post, which are inherently paired. Yes some products just don't exist being made in the US, but if the store has a product that costs twice as much made domestically sitting next to a foreign product of the same or close enough quality, the price alone will dictate which they choose. This is often why domestically made versions of products aren't available without a special order (which is even more expensive) and where tariffs are supposed to be used.
I completely agree that it needs to be amazon-wide. But the reality is it's a lot easier to close down some nameless warehouse in the area when you can still deliver to your customers out of another nameless warehouse. It's a lot harder to shut down a store that customers expect to exist and remain where it is. I do think we think alike in the fact that unionization can stem from their customer facing properties into their "business" properties that are hidden from the public.
I would say this is a little too pessimistic. Legislation in the EU and California have both forced tech companies hands, it's why we can download all our data and delete all our data (supposedly, doubtful in reality) on the large tech platforms. The issue I see is getting legislation that attaches itself to a standard controlled by the W3C. You are right that it won't be something done by the US federal government though.