Nope, probably too hot for them
My wife and me just finished a vanilla game of perfection for the first time. We said we'd make a pause on SV for a bit, but the SV vacuum was too big. So now we started a new farm in Stardew Valley Extrended. Going good so far, the start is always the most enjoyable part for me. Aside from Victor walking on water its bugfree so far :)
Hawaii toast with mustard.
It goes toast (preferably whole grain) -> large heap of mustard -> ham -> pineapple -> salt -> gouda
I have only ever heard my mom eating it that way but have since co verted a few people.
"How to do X on Y?" "Why would you ever want to do X? Do Z instead!"
I am, and the color choices are very hard to make out. But no need to make this one in different colora. But maybe keep it in mind for future projects ;)
Brought to you in indecipherable colors for color-blind people
Oh yeqh, loved COT. My only suggested change was that there could've been even more differences betweeen languages. At first i thought the warriors were basing their labguage around their anger. Where the other races all have a "i love", i thought it would be a neat touch if the warriors only had a word for "i hate" and had to negate if they liled something
EXACTLY my situation. Had an ender 3 pro, modded that thing a lot, bought an A1 with AMS. Now i can't even imagine going back to the ender.
I know what a twink is, but i don't understand whats being said here at all. Had to check this wasnt aneurismposting
Hollow Knight.
Surely this is the end of the map..... Ok but now Suuuuuurely this is the end of the map.... OK NOW SUUUURELY.....
I still think there is a group of people working at microsoft, pulling the strings to dismantle the company from the inside. I haven't seen an update that makes things better for any of their projects in years