F-elon indeed. Two birds, one stone
I get what you're saying, but if a protest is not seen, was it really effective?
If you want to have future elections and chose better candidates, this is the time to act.
Dont put your future into other peoples hands. Its your future and rights that are at stake.
Learn with the french
Court order not enforced and no reaction from the public. Why would they stop?
Its was never about being recyclable. Its about microplastics that form when it starts to decompose.
I read that, but: presidential pardon.
I went to r/conservative today, and its totaly this
As an European i'll be expecting a visit to Canada from our representatives in order start the negociations on a deal that bennefits both of us
Yeah, and made out of straw. We'll gather votes like this for sure!
Its almost as if keeping the oposition divided is the point of these posts.
F-elon indeed. Two birds, one stone