I started experiencing similar problems with WH900N headphones more than a year ago. I just keep them in A2DP mode and use my laptop's microphone for input.
You really think a company would do that? Just go on the Internet and tell lies?
That at the end, was that a fully overclocked Mk3 miner outputting at full speed?
Organize, O toilers, come organize your might;
Then we'll sing one song of the workers' commonwealth
Full of beauty, full of love and health.
I've seen an elderly man working at the HEB I frequent. He looks frail. I wouldn't want to be bagging groceries at his age.
Remember, it's also cops (not exactly the same cops, but cops nonetheless) who campaign for encryption backdoors so that civilians can't hide illegal activities from police surveillance.
Rule of Acquisition #91: Your boss is only worth what he pays you
You MUST have a battery for your solar panels to be of any use during a grid outage. When I got panels installed in 2020, I paid $24,500. A whole-house battery would have been almost as much again. I skipped the battery because, at the time, I was not particularly concerned about grid reliability.
The left hand knows exactly what the right hand is doing.
I have a power bank and foldable solar panels. That provided enough power to keep my refrigerator running.
I also have an EcoFlow Wave2 portable air conditioner that I was able to partially charge with solar. The AC function uses too much energy, but it can also operate as just a fan, in which mode the battery will last for days and days. Having the fan on me helped a lot.
Looks to me like your hard drive is failing or has failed.