Well yeah I think it is more properly attributed to that. But that also doesn’t change my point too much. If someone was pulling life together by anxiety, such sudden change is bound to be chaotic. I have plenty of security to insulate against this chaos at least
I just didn’t expect I would lose drive that made me grip the first career that was considered trendy that someone mentioned somewhere and I chosen because I had to choose something and maybe prove something
Maybe, I am a bit energetic and overthinking as always but I don’t know if I would call it anxiety. At least it is different than it was. It was more like a paralysing fear that made me shake and I thought I am dying every second day.
If this overthinking is anxiety indeed then I think I kinda like it. But then I couldn’t know, I never had it differently.
I also fkd this post up a little by saying CBD but it likely was also HRT estrogen, probably mainly. I am not super good at formulating good posts
Well I was born fortunate and so my success didn’t come and yet I can enjoy such things. I think we all want to accomplish something in life ultimately, small or big it’s all very personal. My history is so complicated because I am also on HRT right now and I have gender related goals that take a big part of the whole picture. Maybe I underestimate how big. And yet some of these goals will never materialise and I will have to come to terms with some of it.
As much as I would want to look like some girl from instagram. I don’t think this is possible or is even productive to think too much about
Well the other side has no such thoughts at all. They multiply without hesitation or second guessing. Unfortunately the laws of evolution are cruel and in such world one can only hope to shape their descendants and what is left there after the departure.
To cultivate our traditions of empathy we must overcome these doubts lest all is left are traditions of facism. And best way to do it is to adopt existing… misfortunes and try to make them more fortunate for the better of everyone.
Those kids were born anyway, the decision has been made for them already. Now the only decision is to be made how to raise them. Avoiding this burden will only make them lost and hateful.
We love substances, if there is one thing I love as chem tech its substances