Because then there would be nothing to be anxious about.
He was with me on that day, I can vouch for him.
Yeah but this is the quote the MAGA dipshits use to excuse the actions of their fascist dictator.
Experimental branch often has bug fixes in it that they have yet to release. Worth checking the notes on it, see what others are saying. Don’t have a link handy, sorry.
No I experienced this too.
Are you on the prod or experimental branch?
The First Law trilogy does something like this, it’s awesome.
I almost said electric meat donut, but went for tube after some deliberation.
Horny tubes of electric meat, really.
B52 has been in service for forever, it’s a pinnacle of modern (and far future, evidently) engineering.
FWIW, not all flash memory is created equal. Apple does tend to use premium chips with better error correction, etc. All that said, it’s still not worth it for most of us, most of the time.
The PD is a fucking rag.