What do you think the money should be spent on?
It would probably blow up the port doing the laundering, which is unlikely to be happening in the EU.
But it would even more likely blow up an Indian or Chinese port.
It doesn't matter. Like I said, I think this is a really bad idea. Mainly because it is collective punishment, and almost all of the thousands of victims would have had nothing to do with their corporations' and their governments' decision to buy that oil.
I should maybe add that I don't think this is actually a good idea. I can just see that it's scientifically possible, and I enjoy constructing scenarios like this.
But to those who are riding Putin's dick, just know that these are the things the West could do, but chooses not to. And the fuck you to all buyers of Russian oil still stands. I don't care how poor they are.
Steal some of the oil. Replace it at correct stoichiometric ratio with ammonium nitrate or some other powerful oxidiser. Attach a detonator and tracking device to the ship. Don't tell the crew. Let the crew go free. When the ship reaches its destination, detonate. Halifax explosion, round two.
Fuck you, whoever would buy Russian oil.
That is some church right there, cous'.