I run it, it’s kinda cool
Ok, k8s is harder but I feel that applying configuration remotely is more robust. I haven’t used swarm though.
The control plane, I guess…
Why swarm and not not k3s?
I’m sorry
You’re welcome!
For no 2, in k8s, you can use MetalLB. Then the service will be of type LoadBalancer and you won’t have to create an ingress.
Re: errors Rust Result is an algebraic data type, so an enum with two variants (one is Ok and the other is Err). This means that you cannot use the result without checking it, making impossible to mess up error handling. Well, you can always panic by calling unwrap(), but then you don't have a program to worry anymore ;)
DuckDuckGo forces TLS while google doesn’t, so you can use IE5 or an old Safari with Google, but not with DDG.
Are AllWinners any good now?
I’m a rust fan, but may I remind you that the Linux kernel is mostly C?